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metadata management

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  1. Working with metadata in GIF images | Documenta...

    Detecting the GIF version The following sample of code will help you to detect the version of a loaded GIF image and extract some additional file format information. Load a GIF image Extract the root Metadata package Use the FileType property to obtain file format information AdvancedUsage.ManagingMetadataForSpecificFormats.Image.Gif.GifReadFileFormatProperties using (Metadata Metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputGif)) { var root = Metadata.GetRootPackage(); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.FileFormat); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Version); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.ByteOrder); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.MimeType); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Extension); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Width); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Height); } Working with XMP Metadata GroupDocs....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  2. Working with XMP metadata | Documentation

    This article shows how to access XMP Metadata in a file of any supported format....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  3. Traverse a whole metadata tree | Documentation

    This article explains that the GroupDocs.Metadata for Java represents any loaded file as a tree consisting of Metadata properties and nested Metadata packages. You can easily iterate through the Metadata tree...Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  4. Working with IPTC IIM metadata | Documentation

    This article explains how to access IPTC Metadata in a file of any supported format, GroupDocs.Metadata for Node.js via Java provides the IIptc.getIptcPackage method....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Node...
  5. Working with XMP metadata | Documentation

    This article shows how to access XMP Metadata in a file of any supported format....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  6. Working with metadata in MOV files | Documentation

    Reading MOV format-specific properties The GroupDocs.Metadata API supports extracting QuickTime atoms from a MOV video. The atom is the basic data unit in any QuickTime file. Please find more information on QuickTime atoms in the official specification: The following are the steps to extract QuickTime atoms from a MOV video. Load a MOV video Get the root Metadata package Extract the native Metadata package using the MovRootPackage.getMovPackage method Read the QuickTime atoms advanced_usage....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  7. Working with EXIF metadata | Documentation

    This article explains how to access EXIF Metadata in a file of any supported format, GroupDocs.Metadata for Java provides the IExif.getExifPackage method....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  8. Working with metadata in WEBP images | Document...

    Working with XMP Metadata GroupDocs.Metadata for Java allows managing XMP Metadata in JPEG images. For more details please refer to the following guide: Working with XMP Metadata. Working with EXIF Metadata The GroupDocs.Metadata API supports handling EXIF Metadata in JPEG images. Please find appropriate code samples in the Working with EXIF Metadata section. More resources GitHub examples You may easily run the code above and see the feature in action in our GitHub examples:...Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  9. Working with metadata in FLV files | Documentation

    Reading FLV header properties The GroupDocs.Metadata API supports extracting format-specific information from the FLV file header. The following are the steps to read the header of an FLV file. Load an FLV video Get the root Metadata package Extract the native Metadata package using FlvRootPackage.Header Read the FLV header properties AdvancedUsage.ManagingMetadataForSpecificFormats.Video.Flv.FlvReadHeaderProperties using (Metadata Metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputFlv)) { var root = Metadata.GetRootPackage(); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.Version); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.HasAudioTags); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.HasVideoTags); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.TypeFlags); } Working with XMP Metadata GroupDocs....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  10. Metadata Editor

    Document Automation APIs to enrich .NET and Java applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, redact, or classify documents of almost all the popular file formats....Metadata for .NET 19.1. In this version...latest version, you can extract metadata from Matroska Multimedia Container...