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metadata management

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  1. Working with metadata in AVI files | Documentation

    Reading AVI header properties The GroupDocs.Metadata API supports extracting format-specific information from AVI file headers. The following are the steps to read the header of an AVI file. Load an AVI video Get the root Metadata package Extract the native Metadata package using AviRootPackage.Header Read the AVI header properties AdvancedUsage.ManagingMetadataForSpecificFormats.Video.Avi.AviReadHeaderProperties using (Metadata Metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputAvi)) { var root = Metadata.GetRootPackage(); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.AviHeaderFlags); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.Height); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.Width); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.TotalFrames); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.InitialFrames); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.MaxBytesPerSec); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.PaddingGranularity); Console.WriteLine(root.Header.Streams); // ....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  2. Working with metadata in MOV Files | Documentation

    Reading MOV format-specific properties The GroupDocs.Metadata API supports extracting QuickTime atoms from a MOV video. The atom is the basic data unit in any QuickTime file. Please find more information on QuickTime atoms in the official specification: The following are the steps to extract QuickTime atoms from a MOV video. Load a MOV video Get the root Metadata package Extract the native Metadata package using MovRootPackage.MovPackage Read the QuickTime atoms AdvancedUsage....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  3. GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET 1.7.0 Released with...

    GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET version 1.7 is available now. Code is redefined by decreasing number of namespaces for easy integration. One major enhancement is support for MP3 format. So Management of audio format Metadata is more easy with this release. Metadata API extended features MP3 format supported - Detect MP3 format Reading ID3v1 Tag Reading ID3v2 Tag Get MPEG Audio format Information Read all EXIF tags Get specific EXIF tag by specific key or indexer ....Metadata for .NET version 1.7 is available now. Code...MP3 format. So management of audio format metadata is more easy...
  4. Working with metadata in Presentations | Docume...

    GroupDocs.Metadata for Java provides functionality that allows working with different kinds of presentations such as PPT, PPTX, POTM, POTX, etc. For the full list of supported presentation formats please refer to Supported document formats. Detecting the exact type of a presentation The following sample of code will help you to detect the exact type of a loaded presentation and extract some additional file format information. Load a presentation Extract the root Metadata package Use the getPresentationType method to obtain file format information advanced_usage....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  5. Working with metadata in GIF images | Documenta...

    Detecting the GIF version The following sample of code will help you to detect the version of a loaded GIF image and extract some additional file format information. Load a GIF image Extract the root Metadata package Use the getGifImageType method to obtain file format information advanced_usage.managing_Metadata_for_specific_formats.image.gif.GifReadFileFormatProperties try (Metadata Metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputGif)) { GifRootPackage root = Metadata.getRootPackageGeneric(); System.out.println(root.getGifImageType().getFileFormat()); System.out.println(root.getGifImageType().getVersion()); System.out.println(root.getGifImageType().getByteOrder()); System.out.println(root.getGifImageType().getMimeType()); System.out.println(root.getGifImageType().getExtension()); System.out.println(root.getGifImageType().getWidth()); System.out.println(root.getGifImageType().getHeight()); } Working with XMP Metadata GroupDocs....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  6. Working with metadata in Spreadsheets | Documen...

    GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET provides functionality that allows working with different kinds of spreadsheet formats such as XLS, XLSX, ODS, etc. For the full list of supported document formats please refer to Supported Document Formats. Detecting the exact type of a document The following sample of code will help you to detect the exact type of a loaded spreadsheet and extract some additional file format information. Load a Spreadsheet document Extract the root Metadata package Use the FileType property to obtain file format information AdvancedUsage....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  7. Working with metadata in Note formats | Documen...

    GroupDocs.Metadata for Java provides functionality that allows working with ONE files created by different versions of Microsoft OneNote. Please see the code samples below for more information. Inspecting Note documents The inspection feature that is introduced in this section doesn’t work with Metadata directly but extracts some useful pieces of information that can be considered as Metadata under some circumstances. For example, you may want to obtain information about pages in a note document....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  8. Working with metadata in PSD images | Documenta...

    Reading Photoshop Metadata properties The GroupDocs Metadata API allows the user to read Adobe Photoshop Metadata associated with a PSD image. For more information on the Photoshop file format and Metadata blocks please refer to the specification: The code sample below demonstrates how to extract image resource blocks (building blocks of the Photoshop file format) from a PSD image. Load a PSD file Get the root Metadata package Extract the ImageResourcePackage instance and obtain a list of ImageResourceBlock objects Iterate trough the collection of resource blocks AdvancedUsage....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  9. Working with EXIF metadata | Documentation

    This article explains how to access EXIF Metadata in a file of any supported format....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  10. Working with metadata in Spreadsheets | Documen...

    GroupDocs.Metadata for Java provides functionality that allows working with different kinds of spreadsheet formats such as XLS, XLSX, ODS, etc. For the full list of supported document formats please refer to Supported document formats. Detecting the exact type of a document The following sample of code will help you to detect the exact type of a loaded spreadsheet and extract some additional file format information. Load a Spreadsheet document Extract the root Metadata package Use the getSpreadsheetType method to obtain file format information advanced_usage....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...