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metadata management

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  1. Traverse a whole metadata tree | Documentation

    This article explains that the GroupDocs.Metadata represents any loaded file as a tree consisting of Metadata properties and nested Metadata packages. You can easily iterate through the Metadata tree...Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  2. Handling metadata in WAV files | Documentation

    This article explains about the API supports extracting Metadata from WAV files...Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  3. Handling metadata in WAV files | Documentation

    This article explains about the API supports extracting Metadata from WAV files...Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  4. Working with metadata in JPEG images | Document...

    Reading Photoshop Metadata properties The GroupDocs Metadata API allows the user to read Adobe Photoshop Metadata associated with a JPEG image. For more information on the Photoshop file format and Metadata blocks that can be attached to images of different formats please refer to the specification: The code sample below demonstrates how to extract image resource blocks (building blocks of the Photoshop file format) from a JPEG image....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  5. Read Metadata from PDF using Java

    Learn how to read Metadata from PDF using Java without demanding additional software installation. Delve into a code sample to read Metadata of PDF using Java....Metadata Product Family GroupDocs.Parser...Family Read Metadata from PDF using Java Metadata within PDF files...
  6. Working with metadata in PNG images | Documenta...

    Reading PNG Metadata properties The GroupDocs.Metadata API supports extracting format-specific information from PNG images. The following are the steps to read the native PNG Metadata. Load a PNG image Get the root Metadata package Extract the native Metadata package using PngRootPackage.PngPackage Read the PNG Metadata properties AdvancedUsage.ManagingMetadataForSpecificFormats.Image.Png.PngReadTextChunks using (Metadata Metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputPng)) { var root = Metadata.GetRootPackage(); foreach (var chunk in root.PngPackage.TextChunks) { Console.WriteLine(chunk.Keyword); Console.WriteLine(chunk.Text); var compressedChunk = chunk as PngCompressedTextChunk; if (compressedChunk !...Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  7. Working with metadata in FLV files | Documentation

    Reading FLV header properties The GroupDocs.Metadata API supports extracting format-specific information from the FLV file header. The following are the steps to read the header of an FLV file. Load an FLV video Get the root Metadata package Extract the native Metadata package using the FlvRootPackage.getHeader method Read the FLV header properties try (Metadata Metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputFlv)) { FlvRootPackage root = Metadata.getRootPackageGeneric(); System.out.println(root.getHeader().getVersion()); System.out.println(root.getHeader().hasAudioTags()); System.out.println(root.getHeader().hasVideoTags()); System.out.println(root.getHeader().getTypeFlags()); } Working with XMP Metadata GroupDocs....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  8. Working with metadata in JPEG2000 images | Docu...

    Reading JPEG2000 comments The GroupDocs.Metadata API supports extracting format-specific information from JPEG2000 images. The following are the steps to read the JPEG2000 comments (pieces of Metadata represented as strings with the length up to 64 kbytes). Load a JPEG2000 image Get the root Metadata package Extract the native Metadata package using the Jpeg2000RootPackage.getJpeg2000Package method Read the JPEG2000 comments advanced_usage.managing_Metadata_for_specific_formats.image.jpeg2000.Jpeg2000ReadComments try (Metadata Metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputJpeg2000)) { Jpeg2000RootPackage root = Metadata....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...
  9. Working with metadata in GIF images | Documenta...

    Detecting the GIF version The following sample of code will help you to detect the version of a loaded GIF image and extract some additional file format information. Load a GIF image Extract the root Metadata package Use the FileType property to obtain file format information AdvancedUsage.ManagingMetadataForSpecificFormats.Image.Gif.GifReadFileFormatProperties using (Metadata Metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputGif)) { var root = Metadata.GetRootPackage(); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.FileFormat); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Version); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.ByteOrder); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.MimeType); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Extension); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Width); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Height); } Working with XMP Metadata GroupDocs....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...
  10. Working with metadata in TIFF images | Document...

    Working with XMP Metadata GroupDocs.Metadata for Java allows managing XMP Metadata in TIFF images. For more details please refer to the following guide: Working with XMP Metadata. Working with EXIF Metadata The GroupDocs.Metadata API supports handling EXIF Metadata in TIFF images. Please find appropriate code samples in the Working with EXIF Metadata section. Working with IPTC Metadata GroupDocs.Metadata for Java is also able to work with IPTC Metadata in TIFF images....Metadata Product Solution GroupDocs...GroupDocs.Metadata Product Family / GroupDocs.Metadata for Java...