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  1. IPenStyle - GroupDocs.Annotation for Java - API...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.annotation com.groupdocs.annotation.cache com.groupdocs.annotation.exceptions com.......DistanceAnnotation Represents Distance annotation properties class...IDistanceAnnotation Defines Distance annotation properties interface...
  2. GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 17.12 Release Not...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 17.12 Major Features Below the list of new features improvements and fixes in this release of GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET: Added ability to import Distance annotations in Words Improve import of annotations for Words format Fixed several bugs regarding to PDF annotation import Fixed TextField annotations import for Diagrams format Fixed export some types of annotation for Diagrams format Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type ANNOTATIONNET-563 Implement import of Distance annotation for Words New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-560 Merge similar annotations when importing from a MSWord document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-559 Improve import of text annotations for words Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-548 Merge similar annotations when importing from a MSWord document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-546 Improve replacement annotation for text in different paragraphs Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-545 Bug with import and export Distance annotations in pdf Bug ANNOTATIONNET-544 Bug with import text annotations from pdf Bug ANNOTATIONNET-543 Bug with import arrow annotation from pdf Bug ANNOTATIONNET-538 AnnotationImageHandler....NET: Added ability to import distance annotations in Words Improve...ANNOTATIONNET-563 Implement import of distance annotation for Words New Feature...
  3. Strikeout on GroupDocs Blog | Document Automati...

    Strikeout on GroupDocs Blog | Document Automation Solutions for .NET & Java Developers Recent content in Strikeout on GroupDocs Blog | Document Automation Solutions for .NET & Java Developers Dista......NET & Java Developers Distance, Strikeout and Underline Annotation...version, a user can now add distance, strikeout and **underline...
  4. ExifGpsPackage.DestDistance Property - GroupDoc...

    Gets or sets the GPS Distance to the destination point....Property Gets or sets the GPS distance to the destination point....Value Type: TiffRational The distance to the destination point....
  5. IPenWidth - GroupDocs.Annotation for Java - API...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.annotation com.groupdocs.annotation.cache com.groupdocs.annotation.exceptions com.......DistanceAnnotation Represents Distance annotation properties class...IDistanceAnnotation Defines Distance annotation properties interface...
  6. ipencolor - GroupDocs.Annotation for Java - API...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.annotation com.groupdocs.annotation.cache com.groupdocs.annotation.exceptions com.......DistanceAnnotation Represents Distance annotation properties class...IDistanceAnnotation Defines Distance annotation properties interface...
  7. IPenWidth - GroupDocs.Annotation for Java - API...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.annotation com.groupdocs.annotation.cache com.groupdocs.annotation.exceptions com.......DistanceAnnotation Represents Distance annotation properties class...IDistanceAnnotation Defines Distance annotation properties interface...
  8. Fuzzy search in DOCX online

    Fuzzy search in DOCX. Perform fuzzy search of words and phrases online....edit distance (Levenshtein distance). And the edit distance of...operation (Damerau-Levenshtein distance). A fuzzy search in DOCX example...
  9. GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 22.7 Release Notes

    GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 22.7 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes.... /// <summary> /// The distance (in points) between the left...; } /// <summary> /// The distance (in points) between the right...
  10. GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 17.10 Release Not...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 17.10 Major Features Below the list of new features and fixed bugs in this regular monthly release of GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET: Implemented export Distance annotations for Words Implemented adding comments for different types of Annotations for Diagrams format Fixed wrong exporting comments for Words Fixed issue with export large font text for Words documents Fixed comments exporting (in some cases old comments was exported) Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type ANNOTATIONNET-508 Implement export Distance annotation for words New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-504 Add comment for Distance annotation in Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-455 Add comment for arrow annotation in Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-454 Add comment for resource redaction annotation in Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-453 Add comment for area annotation in Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-452 Add comment for polyline annotation in Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-451 Implement adding comments to annotations in diagram New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-510 Wrong comment exported to Word Bug ANNOTATIONNET-509 Wrong Distance annotation exported to word Bug ANNOTATIONNET-505 Words: Fix export annotations for large fonts Bug ANNOTATIONNET-503 Exporting a Word document adds old comments Bug ANNOTATIONNET-497 Comment is not exported in Word Bug Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....NET: Implemented export distance annotations for Words Implemented...ANNOTATIONNET-508 Implement export distance annotation for words New Feature...