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  1. GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 17.6.0 Release Notes ...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 17.6.0. Major Features One new feature and 8 improvements and fixes in this regular monthly release. The most notable are: Added SVG file format support Replaced backslashes in resource URL’s with forward slashes Implemented saving HTML resources apart from HTML document when rendering Presentation documents Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Category VIEWERNET-1223 Add SVG format support New Feature VIEWERNET-1213 Move the setting that enables text extraction to ImageOptions class Improvement VIEWERNET-1210 Replace backslashes in resource URL’s with forward slashes Improvement VIEWERNET-1199 Extend support of HtmlOptions.... WriteLine ( "Distance from left: " + rowData . LineLeft...); Console . WriteLine ( "Distance from top: " + rowData . LineTop...
  2. GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 17.10 Release Not...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 17.10 Major Features Below the list of new features and fixed bugs in this regular monthly release of GroupDocs.Annotation for Java. The most notable are: Fixed SVG path parsing for specific cases Implemented annotations import for Diagrams format (Area Redaction, Polyline, Text Field, Area Redaction) Implemented setting opacity to annotations where it is possible Exceptions handling improvements (added several more specific type of exceptions) Implemented Distance annotation adding for slides Implemented text annotations for Slides Added opacity for text annotations for Words Import text annotations for slides Fixed number of bugs from customers Implemented export Distance annotations for Words Implemented adding comments for different types of Annotations for Diagrams format Fixed wrong exporting comments for Words Fixed issue with export large forn text for Wiords documents Fixed comments exporting (in some cases old comments was exported) Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type ANNOTATIONNET-448 Set opacity for Diagrams annotations New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-447 Set opacity for Pdf annotations New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-446 Set opacity for Words annotations New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-445 Set opacity for Slides annotations New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-490 Implement clean of Distance annotation New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-441 Import text field annotation from Diagram New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-440 Import polyline annotation from Diagram New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-439 Import Area Redaction annotation from diagram New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-438 Import area annotation from diagram New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-430 Implement import annotations for Diagram New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-419 Implement TextField annotation for Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-489 Implement export of Distance annotation New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-488 Implement import of Distance annotation New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-487 Implement Distance annotation for slides New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-482 Import highlight annotation from slides New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-481 Import underline annotation from slides New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-480 Import strikeout annotation from slides New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-479 Import text annotations from slides New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-477 Implement opacity for text annotations in Words New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-475 Implement opacity for text annotations in slides New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-468 Implement underline annotation for slides New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-467 Implement strikeout annotation for slides New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-466 Implement text annotations for Slides New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-508 Implement export Distance annotation for words New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-504 Add comment for Distance annotation in Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-455 Add comment for arrow annotation in Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-454 Add comment for resource redaction annotation in Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-453 Add comment for area annotation in Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-452 Add comment for polyline annotation in Diagrams New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-451 Implement adding comments to annotations in diagram New Feature ANNOTATIONJAVA-1000 Set annotations opacity New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-442 Implement additional specific exceptions Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-485 Simplify the cleaning of the document for the correct import of text annotations Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-471 Change arrow shape for arrow annotation Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-421 Bug with parsing specific SVG path Bug ANNOTATIONNET-483 Exception thrown when deleting annotation with multiple replies Bug ANNOTATIONNET-473 Export document to word creates multiple comments Bug ANNOTATIONNET-510 Wrong comment exported to Word Bug ANNOTATIONNET-509 Wrong Distance annotation exported to word Bug ANNOTATIONNET-505 Words: Fix export annotations for large fonts Bug ANNOTATIONNET-503 Exporting a Word document adds old comments Bug ANNOTATIONNET-497 Comment is not exported in Word Bug ANNOTATIONJAVA-1027 Exception is generated while annotating xlsx formatted document Bug ANNOTATIONJAVA-1028 Exception is generated while annotating pptx formatted document Bug ANNOTATIONJAVA-1033 Exception when get a document using file path as argument Bug ANNOTATIONJAVA-1034 Failed to get added annotations Bug ANNOTATIONJAVA-1035 Exception is thrown when certain method is called simultaneously Bug ANNOTATIONJAVA-1036 Exception is thrown when retrieving area annotation from DOCX file Bug ANNOTATIONJAVA-1037 API fails to create Temp Directory in storage path Bug Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....of exceptions) Implemented distance annotation adding for slides...customers Implemented export distance annotations for Words Implemented...
  3. Groupdocs annotation example in jQuery - Free S...

    Hello all, I have a licensed version of groupdocs(total product family), and the license is valid till 20.8 version, so I updated all the groupdocs product to 20.8, but the problem is the examples which I get from the b…... Distance: as you can see in the video...endpoint of the distance but new start point of the distance get executed...
  4. Annotation Opacity is Introduced in GroupDocs.A...

    We are pleased to announce another monthly release of GroupDocs.Annotation for Java v17.10 with some new features like import of annotation from Diagram, setting annotations opacity and many more. This monthly release also covers improvements like change in arrow shape and import of text annotations. Aside this, many fixes are also introduced in this release. For further information, please see release notes. We’d recommend you to download latest release of the API, integrate it in your project and share your valuable feedback....following annotation types Distance Arrow Resource Redaction Area...annotation types for Slides Distance Underline Strikeout Text Introducing...
  5. Comment Feature for Diagrams is introduced in G...

    We at GroupDocs receiving many feedback and suggestions from users, therefore we always try to provide new and enhanced solutions to our valuable customers to fulfill their requirements and incorporate their valuable suggestions. In this regard we are happy to announce another monthly release of GroupDocs.Annotation for .Net v17.10. The main feature introduced in this release is add comments to annotation in diagrams. This release also includes major fixes and improvements....annotation types in Diagram Distance Arrow Area Polyline Comment...annotation in Diagrams Export distance annotation for words Document...
  6. textshadow - GroupDocs.Signature for Java - API...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.signature com.groupdocs.signature.domain com.groupdocs.signature.domain.barcodes c......getDistance () Gets or sets distance from text to shadow. double...(double value) Gets or sets distance from text to shadow. void...
  7. GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 19.11 Release Not...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 19.11 Major Features Below is the list of most notable changes in release of GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 19.11: Fixed number of issues regarding to .NET Standard Investigated and fixed coordinates of annotations to make them same on images preview as on documents for number of formats (PDF, Cells, Slides, Words) Adding showing Distance value for Distance annotations in different formats (Slides, PDF, Images, Diagrams, Cells) Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type ANNOTATIONNET-1135 Investigate and fix coordinates discrepancy for Cells Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-1139 Investigate and fix coordinates discrepancy for PDF Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-1140 Investigate and fix coordinates discrepancy for Slides Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-1141 Investigate and fix coordinates discrepancy for Words Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-1146 Improve Words Shapes Import Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-1165 Adding showing Distance value for Distance annotations in different formats(Slides, PDF, Images, Diagrams, Cells) Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-1132 Issue with one page PDF preview generating Bug ANNOTATIONNET-1133 Wrong Slides preview generating Bug ANNOTATIONNET-1145 Compatibility issues under ....Words) Adding showing distance value for Distance annotations in different...ANNOTATIONNET-1165 Adding showing distance value for Distance annotations in different...
  8. GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 18.4 Release Note...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 18.4 Major Features Below is the list of new features improvements and fixes in this release of GroupDocs.Annotation for Java 18.4: Added ability to import Distance annotations in Words format Improve import of annotations for Words format Fixed several bugs regarding to PDF annotation import Fixed TextField annotations import for Diagrams format Fixed export some types of annotation for Diagrams format Improved Replacement annotation for text in different paragraphs Fixed import text field for Diagram documents Fixed bug with import text annotations from Pdf Fixed resizing image when user pass width and height Fixed creating of Arrow annotation for Diagrams Fixed issue with wrong Distance structure after export in diagram Fixed issue with wrong Polyline structure after export in diagram Fixed bug with hanging of sample while importing Distance annotation for Slides format Fixed bug when importing area annotation Fixed bug with importing annotations for diagrams Improved export of underline text annotation for PDF Improved export strikeout text annotation for PDF Improved creating annotations from colored or transparent text Fixed transparent text for all formats Fixed bug when importing text for TextField annotation in Diagrams Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type ANNOTATIONNET-563 Implement import of Distance annotation for Words document New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-583 Add text redaction annotation in Slides document New Feature ANNOTATIONNET-560 Merge similar annotations when importing from a MSWord document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-559 Improve import of text annotations for Words document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-548 Merge similar annotations when importing from a MSWord document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-546 Improve replacement annotation for text in different paragraphs Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-582 Add point with text for text annotation Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-573 Improve export of text annotations in Slides document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-570 Improve annotation export for big font sizes for Slides document Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-606 Implement accepting SVG path also with spaces not only with commas Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-602 Improve CleanUp for diagram Improvement ANNOTATIONNET-545 Bug with import and export Distance annotations in Pdf Bug ANNOTATIONNET-544 Bug with import text annotations from Pdf Bug ANNOTATIONNET-543 Bug with import arrow annotation from Pdf Bug ANNOTATIONNET-538 AnnotationImageHandler....4: Added ability to import distance annotations in Words format...Diagrams Fixed issue with wrong distance structure after export in...
  9. Fuzzy search in PDF online

    Fuzzy search in PDF. Perform fuzzy search of words and phrases online....edit distance (Levenshtein distance). And the edit distance of...operation (Damerau-Levenshtein distance). A fuzzy search in PDF example...
  10. IPenColor - GroupDocs.Annotation for Java - API...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.annotation com.groupdocs.annotation.cache com.groupdocs.annotation.exceptions com.......DistanceAnnotation Represents Distance annotation properties class...IDistanceAnnotation Defines Distance annotation properties interface...