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  1. Distance, Strikeout and Underline Annotation in...

    The GroupDocs team is proudly announcing version v4.0.0 for GroupDocs.Annotation for Java Modern UI. Keeping in mind features supported in our backend API, we have implemented updates in this modern user interface. In this new version, a user can now add Distance, strikeout and **underline **annotation. We would recommend Java users to download this new version to explore and provide us valuable feedback. let’s explore new features in detail....version, a user can now add distance, strikeout and ** detail. Distance Annotation # To find a distance between two...
  2. How to Add Distance Annotation in PDF using C#

    This article is designed to assist you how to add Distance annotation in PDF using C# along with comprehensive steps to insert Distance annotation to PDF in C#....Product Family How to Add Distance Annotation in PDF using add distance annotation in PDF using C# . Distance annotations...
  3. Arrow and distance annotations are not working ...

    After doing arrow and Distance annotation the application always brokes. Log: log-arrow-Distance-annotation.7z (2.2 KB) Git project: Git branch: ma…...Arrow and distance annotations are not working in Java GroupDocs...11:59am #1 After doing arrow and distance annotation the application...
  4. Arrow and distance annotation don't appear in P...

    Arrow and Distance annotation don’t appear in PDF documents, we can see the comments but not the annotation. I made the test by the Spring Demo Aplication and by Java Samples. Git project:…...Arrow and distance annotation don't appear in PDF documents using...2021, 2:11pm #1 Arrow and distance annotation don’t appear in...
  5. TextShadow.Distance Property - GroupDocs.Signat...

    Gets or sets Distance from text to shadow. Default value is 1....Blur Property Color Property Distance Property Transparency Property...TextShadow Distance Property Gets or sets distance from text to...
  6. Class DistanceAnnotation | GroupDocs.Annotation...

    GroupDocs.Annotation.Models.AnnotationModels.DistanceAnnotation class. Represents Distance annotation properties...DistanceAnnotation class Represents distance annotation properties public...{ get; set; } Gets or sets distance annotation position CreatedOn...
  7. WordProcessingOptions Properties - GroupDocs.Vi...

    The Distance (in points) between the bottom edge of the page and the bottom boundary of the body text....Description BottomMargin The distance (in points) between the bottom...Cyrillic-based scripts. LeftMargin The distance (in points) between the left...
  8. DistanceAnnotation | GroupDocs.Annotation for J...

    Represents Distance annotation properties...IDistanceAnnotation Represents Distance annotation properties Constructors...equals(DistanceAnnotation other) Compares Distance Annotations using IEquatable...
  9. TextShadow Properties - GroupDocs.Signature for...

    Gets or sets angle for placing shadow relative to the text. Default value is 0....Blur Property Color Property Distance Property Transparency Property...value is Black. Distance Gets or sets distance from text to shadow...
  10. Import Annotations from Slides using GroupDocs....

    We are at GroupDocs glad to publish another monthly release of dot net document annotation API, where new features are introduced, major features are related to import annotations from slides document format, these includes Import Distance annotation, text annotation, strikeout annotation and almost all major annotation types. The latest GroupDocs.Annotation for .NET 17.8.0 API now provides support to set Opacity for Words file also. This release is also including Improvements and Fixes....format, these includes Import distance annotation , text annotation...Implement clean of distance annotation export of distance annotation...