Initializes a new instanCe of GroupDoCsRedaCtionExCeption Class with a speCified error message and a referenCe to the inner exCeption that is the Cause of this...8 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public GroupDocsRedactionEx...
Initializes a new instanCe of DoCumentFormatExCeption Class with a speCified error message and a referenCe to the inner exCeption that is the Cause of this exCe...8 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public DocumentFormatExcept...
Initializes a new instanCe of MetadataSearChRedaCtion Class, using value to matCh redaCted items....8 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public MetadataSearchRedact...
Initializes a new instanCe of MetadataSearChRedaCtion Class, using value to matCh redaCted items....8 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public MetadataSearchRedact...