Gets sourCe doCument info - pages Count and other doCument properties speCifiC to the file type....7) Syntax C# VB C++ F# public IDocumentInfo GetDocumentInfo...
For non zero value this flag speCifies maximum size of images for searCh Criteria. By default this flag is set to zero and does not affeCt searCh r...7) Syntax C# VB C++ F# public long MaxContentSize...
Initializes a new instanCe of InCorreCtPasswordExCeption Class with a speCified error message and a referenCe to the inner exCeption that is the Cause of this e...8 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public IncorrectPasswordExc...
A file with a .aC3 extension is an Audio CodeC 3 file, introduCed by Dolby Laboratories. It is an audio format that Can Contain up to six Channels of audio outp...7) Syntax C# VB C++ F# public static readonly...