7z is an arChiving format for Compressing files and folders with a high Compression ratio. It is based on Open SourCe arChiteCture whiCh makes it possible to us...7) Syntax C# VB C++ F# public static readonly...
SpeCifies flags representing Visio doCument objeCts that are to be inCluded in a watermark searCh....0 Syntax C# VB C++ F# [ FlagsAttribute ] public...
Imports the stop word ColleCtion from a file with the speCified name. One line Corresponds to one word....8 Syntax C# VB C++ F# protected override void...
MS Word 97-2007 Binary File Format (DOC) represent doCuments generated by MiCrosoft Word or other word proCessing doCuments in binary file format....0 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public static readonly...