Adds the specified Type object to the set. Throws ArgumentException in the following cases:- type is null.- type represents a void type.- type repr...2 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public void Add ( Type...
Unique signature identifier to modify signature in the document over Update or Delete methods. This property will be set automatically after Sign o...7) Syntax C# VB C++ F# public string SignatureId...
Allows to enable (true) or disable (false) pagination in the resultant HTML document. By default is disabled (false)....0 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public bool EnablePagination...
Gets the homophones for the specified word. The resulting array does not contain the original word....8 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public string [] GetHomophones...
Gets the synonyms for the specified word. The resulting array does not contain the original word....8 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public string [] GetSynonyms...
Files with .VSSM extension are Microsoft Visio Stencil files that support provide support for macros. A VSSM file when opened allows to run the macros to achiev...7) Syntax C# VB C++ F# public static readonly...