File extension (without leading dot character) of a particular image type in lower case. For the Undefined type returns a string 'unsefined'....0 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public string FileExtension...
Creates and returns a new reduced image resource of the same type, but with specified new reduced height and proportionally reduced width....0 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public RasterImageResourceB...
When this option is set to Property ValueType: Booleantrue, the text is rendered as an image in the output HTML. Enable this option to make text un...7 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public bool RenderTextAsImage...
Allows to specify custom options for loading documents of all supportable Presentation formats like PPT(X), PPTM, PPS(X) etc....0 Syntax C# VB C++ F# public class PresentationLoadOpti...