Gets or sets annotation text...Properties IText Interface IText Properties Text Property...Property IText Properties The IText type exposes the following members...
Gets or sets the compression of text storage. The default value is Normal....TextStorageSettings Properties Compression Property TextStorageSettings...TextStorageSettings Properties The TextStorageSettings type exposes the following...
Gets or sets the IPTC metadata package associated with the file....IIptc Properties IptcPackage Property IIptc Properties The IIptc...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description IptcPackage...
A new password for the document protection....UpdatePasswordOption Properties NewPassword Property UpdatePasswordOption...UpdatePasswordOption Properties The UpdatePasswordOption type exposes the following...
Gets the string representation of the email address....EmailAddress Properties Address Property DisplayName Property Host Property...Property OriginalAddressStrin Property User Property EmailAddress...
Gets page height in pixels when converted to image....IPageInfo Properties Height Property Number Property Visible Property...Property Width Property IPageInfo Properties The IPageInfo type...
Gets page height in pixels when converted to image....PageInfo Properties Height Property Number Property Visible Property...Property Width Property PageInfo Properties The PageInfo type...