Horizontal alignment of text inside a signature....ITextAlignment Properties TextHorizontalAlignm Property TextVerticalAlignmen...TextVerticalAlignmen Property ITextAlignment Properties The ITextAlignment...
List of signatures that were not processed BaseSignature....IResult Properties Failed Property Succeeded Property IResult...IResult Properties The IResult type exposes the following members. Properties...
Get Index of object in collection of supported stamp types....StampType Properties TypeIndex Property TypeName Property StampType...StampType Properties The StampType type exposes the following members...
Gets index of object in collection of supported QRCode types....QrCodeType Properties TypeIndex Property TypeName Property QrCodeType...QrCodeType Properties The QrCodeType type exposes the following members...
Gets or sets the new page number....IMoveOptions Properties NewPageNumber Property PageNumberToMove...PageNumberToMove Property IMoveOptions Properties The IMoveOptions type exposes...
Gets or sets the new page number....Class MoveOptions Properties NewPageNumber Property PageNumberToMove...PageNumberToMove Property MoveOptions Properties The MoveOptions type exposes...
Gets lines of text, with their fragments, recognized within the document....RecognizedImage Properties Lines Property Text Property RecognizedImage...RecognizedImage Properties The RecognizedImage type exposes the following...
Gets a bounding rectangle of the recognised text fragment....TextFragment Properties Rectangle Property Text Property TextFragment...TextFragment Properties The TextFragment type exposes the following members...