Creates one ArgbColorgroupdocs.Editor.htmlcss.css.datatypes/argbcolor value from specified Red Green Blue channels while Alpha channel is fully opaque...Editor.HtmlCss.Css.DataTypes assembly GroupDocs.Editor FromRgba...
Tries to recognize a specified keyword as a proper keyword value of the fontstyle and return it on success or NULL on failure....Editor.HtmlCss.Css.Properties assembly...assembly GroupDocs.Editor GetHashCode op_Equality English Русский...
Performs a surface check whether specified textual XMLcompliant content represents a SVG image...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Images.Vector...Vector assembly GroupDocs.Editor SaveToPng English Русский 简体中文...
Gets or sets the locale ID of the form field which represents the culture or regional settings associated with the form field....Editor.Words.FieldManagement assembly GroupDocs.Editor HelpText...
Allows to specify custom options for generating and saving Markdown documents...editor.options.ISaveOptions public...the user, then the GroupDocs.Editor will try to determine the ImagesFolder...