When enabled leaf text nodes textual content inside XML elements that has no children will be rendered on a new line with bigger left indent. By default is false disabled leaf text nodes are placed on the same line as their parents without new indent....Editor.Options assembly GroupDocs.Editor IsDefault...
Encapsulates all Presentation formats. Includes the following formats: Odp, Otp, Pot, Potm, Pot...Editor for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor for .NET...NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Editor.Formats PresentationFormats...
Represents the update of invalid form field names during the FixInvalidFormFieldNames../groupdocs.Editor/formfieldmanager/fixinvalidformfieldnames operation....Editor.Words.FieldManagement assembly GroupDocs.Editor IFormField...
Returns a list of all existing resources all stylesheets images from HTML and all stylesheets fonts audio...Editor assembly GroupDocs.Editor FromMarkupAndResourc...
eXtensible Markup Language 文档 XML 与 HTML 类似但在使用标签定义对象方面有所不同 了解有关此文件格式的更多信息这里https//wiki.fileformat.com/web/xml....Editor.Formats 部件 GroupDocs.Editor Txt FromExtension...
Parses and returns specified string as a Length value including its numeric value and unit name or throws an exception on failure...Editor.HtmlCss.Css.DataTypes assembly GroupDocs.Editor FromValueWithUnit...
Password which will be applied to the generated PDF document as user password required for opening. If NULL or empty no password will be applied to the document. Otherwise document will be encrypted with RC4 key length of 128 bit. By default is NULL password is not applied....Editor.Options assembly GroupDocs.Editor OptimizeMemoryUsage...
Chiamato quando GroupDocs.Editor trova un collegamento allimmagine esterna durante lanalisi del codice Markdown...Editor trova un collegamento all’immagine...argomenti, forniti da GroupDocs.Editor al codice dell’utente finale...