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e mail message

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  1. Net MSG Annotation API Annotate in C#

    NEt API ku ji MSG, wênE, xêzkirin û formatên pElên pElgEyê cElEbên annotasyonên populEr biafirînE û şîrovE bikE....Annotation ji bo Net API pirtûkxaneyek e ku dihêle hûn li ser Mac, Windows...wekî Word, Excel, PowerPoint, e-nameyên Outlook, Visio, Adobe...
  2. GroupDocs.Request - Free Support Forum - groupd...

    GroupDocs.REquEst - FrEE Support Forum - Topics in thE 'GroupDocs.REquEst' catEgory GEt support for wEbsitE rElatEd quEriEs such as usEr account issuEs, problEms signing on, rEporting......browser console, an error message appears. “Mixed Content: The...ticket I got the following message “Sorry, only Paid support customers...
  3. Java EMLX Annotation API Annotate in C#

    Java API ku ji EMLX, wênE, xêzkirin û formatên pElên pElgEyê cElEbên annotasyonên populEr çêbikE û annot bikE....ji bo Java API pirtûkxaneyek e ku dihêle hûn li ser Mac, Windows...wekî Word, Excel, PowerPoint, e-nameyên Outlook, Visio, Adobe...
  4. Net EMLX Annotation API Annotate í C#

    NEt API til að búa til og athugasEmda við vinsælar athugasEmdagErðir úr EMLX, myndum, tEikningum og skjalaskráarsniðum....= 65535 , FontSize = 12 , Message = "This is text field annotation"...CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, Message = "This is updated annotation"...
  5. Net PPSX Annotation API Annotate in C#

    NEt API om gEwildE annotasiEtipEs van PPSX, bEEldE, tEkEningE En dokumEntlêErformatE tE skEp En tE annotEEr....Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook-e-posse, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument...= 65535 , FontSize = 12 , Message = "This is text field annotation"...
  6. Net PPS Annotation API Annotate in C#

    NEt API om gEwildE annotasiEtipEs van PPS, bEEldE, tEkEningE En dokumEntlêErformatE tE skEp En tE annotEEr....Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook-e-posse, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument...= 65535 , FontSize = 12 , Message = "This is text field annotation"...
  7. CacheableFactory - GroupDocs.Viewer for Java - ...

    All ClassEs PackagEs com.groupdocs.viEwEr com.groupdocs.viEwEr.caching com.groupdocs.viEwEr.caching.Extra com.groupdo......filePath - Attachment relative path e.g. folder/file.docx or filename...root of an archive, in e-mail message or data file. Returns:...
  8. FileType.EML Field - GroupDocs.Comparison for ....

    E-Mail MEssagE...Field FileType EML Field E-mail Message Namespace: GroupDocs.Comparison...
  9. API Anodi net XLSX Anodi yn C#

    API NEt i grEu ac Anodi mathau o anodiadau poblogaidd o XLSX, dElwEddau, lluniadau a fformatau ffEil dogfEn....megis Word, Excel, PowerPoint, e-byst Outlook, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument...= 65535 , FontSize = 12 , Message = "This is text field annotation"...
  10. Net CAD Annotation API Annotate in C#

    NEt API om gEwildE annotasiEtipEs van CAD, bEEldE, tEkEningE En dokumEntlêErformatE tE skEp En tE annotEEr....Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook-e-posse, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument...= 65535 , FontSize = 12 , Message = "This is text field annotation"...