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e mail message

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  1. .NET GIF Viewer API - Read, View, Render in C# ...

    .NET documEnt viEwEr API to rEad, rEndEr and display GIF in any typE of C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET & .NET CorE applications....Outlook E-mail Message) .NET EML Viewer (E-mail Message) .NET ONE...Drawing) .NET EPUB Viewer (Digital E-Book File Format) Back to top...
  2. Net DJVU Annotation API Annotate in C#

    NEt API om gEwildE annotasiEtipEs van DJVU, bEEldE, tEkEningE En dokumEntlêErformatE tE skEp En tE annotEEr....Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook-e-posse, Visio, Adobe, OpenDocument...= 65535 , FontSize = 12 , Message = "This is text field annotation"...
  3. .NET PS Viewer API - Read, View, Render in C# V...

    .NET documEnt viEwEr API to rEad, rEndEr and display PS in any typE of C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET & .NET CorE applications....Outlook E-mail Message) .NET EML Viewer (E-mail Message) .NET ONE...Drawing) .NET EPUB Viewer (Digital E-Book File Format) Back to top...
  4. .NET VSDM Viewer API - Read, View, Render in C#...

    .NET documEnt viEwEr API to rEad, rEndEr and display VSDM in any typE of C#, ASP.NET, VB.NET & .NET CorE applications....Outlook E-mail Message) .NET EML Viewer (E-mail Message) .NET ONE...Drawing) .NET EPUB Viewer (Digital E-Book File Format) Back to top...
  5. Net MSG Annotation API Annotate in C#

    NEt API to crEatE and AnnotatE popular annotation typEs from MSG, imagEs, drawings and documEnt filE formats....= 65535 , FontSize = 12 , Message = "This is text field annotation"...CreatedOn = DateTime.Now, Message = "This is updated annotation"...
  6. Adjust page size | GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET

    This articlE Explains how to adjust pagE sizE whEn rEndEring E-Mail MEssagEs with GroupDocs.ViEwEr within your .NET size for rendering Email messages into HTML, PDF, and images...steps to set size for email message: Create HtmlViewOptions (or...
  7. Net HTM Annotation API Annotate in C#

    NEt API ku ji HTM, wênE, xêzkirin û formatên pElên pElgEyê cElEbên annotasyonên populEr biafirînE û şîrovE bikE....Annotation ji bo Net API pirtûkxaneyek e ku dihêle hûn li ser Mac, Windows...wekî Word, Excel, PowerPoint, e-nameyên Outlook, Visio, Adobe...
  8. Net ODT Annotation API Annotate in C#

    NEt API ku ji ODT, wênE, xêzkirin û formatên pElên pElgEyê cElEbên annotasyonên populEr biafirînE û şîrovE bikE....Annotation ji bo Net API pirtûkxaneyek e ku dihêle hûn li ser Mac, Windows...wekî Word, Excel, PowerPoint, e-nameyên Outlook, Visio, Adobe...
  9. Net EMF Annotation API Annotate in C#

    NEt API ku ji EMF, wênE, xêzkirin û formatên pElên pElgEyê cElEbên annotasyonên populEr biafirînE û şîrovE bikE....Annotation ji bo Net API pirtûkxaneyek e ku dihêle hûn li ser Mac, Windows...wekî Word, Excel, PowerPoint, e-nameyên Outlook, Visio, Adobe...
  10. Net DWG Annotation API Annotate in C#

    NEt API ku ji DWG, wênE, xêzkirin û formatên pElên pElgEyê cElEbên annotasyonên populEr biafirînE û şîrovE bikE....Annotation ji bo Net API pirtûkxaneyek e ku dihêle hûn li ser Mac, Windows...wekî Word, Excel, PowerPoint, e-nameyên Outlook, Visio, Adobe...