Gets or sets the color value of the image that will be treated As transparent....Gets or sets the color value of the image that will be treated as transparent.
Removes writable metadata properties from the package. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages As well....Removes writable metadata properties from the package. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
Removes writable metadata properties from the package. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages As well....Removes writable metadata properties from the package. The operation is recursive so it affects all nested packages as well.
Portable Document Format File .pdf is a type of document created by Adobe back in 1990s. The purpose of this file format wAs to introduce a standard for representation of documents and other reference material in a format that is independent of application software hardware As well As Operating System. Learn more about this file format herehttps// Document Format File .pdf is a type of document created by Adobe back in 1990s. The purpose of this file format was to introduce a standard for representation of documents and other reference material in a format that is independent of application software hardware as well as Operating System. Learn more about this file format herehttps//
Initializes a new instance of MetadatAsearchRedaction clAss, using item name and value to match redacted items....Initializes a new instance of MetadataSearchRedaction class, using item name and value to match redacted items.