Returns a value indicating whether this collection contains the specified column....Returns a value indicating whether this collection contains the specified column.
Returns a value indicating whether this collection contains the specified table....Returns a value indicating whether this collection contains the specified table.
Creates a new data source with data from a JSON stream using default options for parsing JSON data....Creates a new data source with data from a JSON stream using default options for parsing JSON data.
Returns information about file such As file-type and flag that indicates if file is encrypted....Returns information about file such as file-type and flag that indicates if file is encrypted.
Initializes a new instance of the PAsswordRequiredException clAss with a specified error message....Initializes a new instance of the PasswordRequiredException class with a specified error message.
Creates a new instance of the ImageSignOptions clAss with predefined Image from BAse64....Creates a new instance of the ImageSignOptions class with predefined Image from Base64.