Gets or sets annotation text font color...Properties IFontColor Interface IFontColor Properties FontColor...FontColor Property IFontColor Properties The IFontColor type exposes...
Height of original document...Class Size Properties Height Property Width Property Size Properties...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description Height Height...
Gets the x-coordinate....Point Properties X Property Y Property Point Properties The Point...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description X Gets the...
File extention...FileType Properties Extension Property FileFormat Property FileType...FileType Properties The FileType type exposes the following members...
Gets a field name....DocumentField Properties Name Property Value Property DocumentField...DocumentField Properties The DocumentField type exposes the following members...
Gets or sets the page index to add watermark to....PdfArtifactWatermark Properties PageIndex Property PdfArtifactWatermark...PdfArtifactWatermark Properties The PdfArtifactWatermark type exposes the following...
Gets or sets the index of frame to add watermark....MultiframeImageWater Properties FrameIndex Property MultiframeImageWater...MultiframeImageWater Properties The MultiframeImageWater type exposes the following...
The new password for document protection....IUpdatePasswordOptio Properties NewPassword Property IUpdatePasswordOptio...IUpdatePasswordOptio Properties The IUpdatePasswordOptio type exposes the following...
Gets or sets the XMP metadata package....Interface IXmp Properties XmpPackage Property IXmp Properties The IXmp...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description XmpPackage...
Indicates whether form may be modified in-place....XmpTrailerPI Properties IsWritable Property XmpTrailerPI Properties The...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description IsWritable...