List of font directories to load....LoadOptions Properties FontDirectories Property LoadText Property Password...Password Property LoadOptions Properties The LoadOptions type exposes...
The extension of the embedded object....IImportDocumentOptio Properties Extension Property ObjectData Property PageNumber...PageNumber Property IImportDocumentOptio Properties The IImportDocumentOptio...
Gets or sets the page index to add watermark to....PdfAnnotationWaterma Properties PageIndex Property PrintOnly Property PdfAnnotationWaterma...PdfAnnotationWaterma Properties The PdfAnnotationWaterma type exposes...
Returns a string, describing the redaction and its parameters....MetadataRedaction Properties Filter Property MetadataRedaction...MetadataRedaction Properties The MetadataRedaction type exposes the following...
Gets the alternative name of the dataSet....IptcDataSet Properties AlternativeName Property DataSetNumber...DataSetNumber Property RecordNumber Property IptcDataSet Properties The IptcDataSet...