Returns a string that represents the current object....Viewer for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET...NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer.Results FileInfo Class FileInfo...
Returns a string that represents the current object....Viewer for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET...NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer.Results OutlookViewInfo Class...
Returns a string that represents the current object....Viewer for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET...NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer.Results Character Class Character...
Returns a string that represents the current object....Viewer for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET...NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer.Results ArchiveViewInfo Class...
Crée une vue de toutes les pages du document....Viewer Voir également class ViewOptions class Viewer espace...noms GroupDocs.Viewer Assemblée GroupDocs.Viewer View(ViewOptions...
Inizializza una nuova istanza diSpreadsheetOptionsgroupdocs.Viewer.options/spreadsheetoptions classe per il rendering dellintero foglio nella pagina....Viewer.Options assemblea GroupDocs.Viewer ForRenderingByPageBr...
Initializes new instance of ViewInfoOptions class based on HtmlViewOptions object....Viewer for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET...NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer.Options ViewInfoOptions Class...
Returns all file names that contains filter in filename....Viewer for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET...NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer.Caching FileCache Class FileCache...
Determines whether the current Layer is the same as specified object....Viewer for .NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET...NET - API Reference GroupDocs.Viewer.Results Layer Class Layer Methods...