Gets the value that indicates whether text extraction is supported....Features Text Property Gets the value that indicates whether text...Text : bool with get Return Value Type: Boolean true if text extraction...
Specifies whether language information is exported to the HTML markup in a form of 'lang' HTML attributes. This option may be useful for roundtrip...bool get (); void set ( bool value ); } member EnableLanguageInform...bool with get , set Property Value Type: Boolean See Also Reference...
Defines color for the font of inner-tag text...Color get (); void set ( Color value ); } member InnerTextFontColor...Color with get , set Property Value Type: Color See Also Reference...
Gets or sets a logger that is used for logging events and errors in the index. Note that the logger is not saved and must be created and assigned e...get (); void set ( ILogger ^ value ); } member Logger : ILogger...ILogger with get , set Property Value Type: ILogger A logger that is...
Gets or sets the author's comment....get (); void set ( String ^ value ); } member Comment : string...string with get , set Property Value Type: String The author's comment...
Gets or sets the XMP metadata package....void set ( XmpPacketWrapper ^ value ) sealed ; } abstract XmpPackage...XmpPacketWrapper with get , set Property Value Type: XmpPacketWrapper The XMP...
Gets a unique ID to identify the Track(s) the tags belong to. If the value is 0 at this level, the tags apply to all tracks in the Segment.... If the value is 0 at this level, the tags...: uint64 with get Property Value Type: UInt64 A unique ID to...
-Elemente des Typs type="date" erstellen Eingabefelder, die dem Benutzer das Eingeben eines Datums ermöglichen. Das Erscheinungsbild der Datumsauswahl-Eingabeoberfläche variiert je nach Browser und Betriebssystem. Der Wert wird in das Format yyyy-mm-dd einem Datum innerhalb des value -Attributs festlegen, so: html...html <input type="date" value="2017-06-01" /> Hinweis: Das angezeigte...