Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Package Explorer Document Annotator Java High Code API Product...OpenOffice Impress®: ODP/OTP Text: TXT/CSV/TSV Markup: HTML/XML...
Character replacement during indexing can be used, for example, to convert all Text to lowercase characters or to remove diacritics from Text....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...for example, to convert all text to lowercase characters or to...
Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Package Explorer Document Annotator Java High Code API Product...OpenOffice Impress®: ODP/OTP Text: TXT/CSV/TSV Markup: HTML/XML...
Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Package Explorer Document Annotator Java High Code API Product...OpenOffice Impress®: ODP/OTP Text: TXT/CSV/TSV Markup: HTML/XML...
Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Package Explorer Document Annotator Java High Code API Product...OpenOffice Impress®: ODP/OTP Text: TXT/CSV/TSV Markup: HTML/XML...
Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Package Explorer Document Annotator Java High Code API Product...OpenOffice Impress®: ODP/OTP Text: TXT/CSV/TSV Markup: HTML/XML...
OCR support means the ability to connect an external module (library) for the recognition of printed Text (optical character recognition, OCR) on images, either separate or embedded in documents.
To connect OCR, you need to implement the IOcrConnector interface in the client code.
The following example demonstrates how to implement the OCR connector using com.aspose.ocr library for Text recognition in images.
const indexFolder = 'c:/MyIndex/'; const documentsFolder = 'c:/MyDocuments/'; const query = 'Einstein'; // Creating an index const index = new groupdocs....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...for the recognition of printed text (optical character recognition...
Initializes a new instance of RedactionDescription class without replacement information....System String Matched text, comment or annotation body See Also Reference...
post. Tagged with java, api, esignature, pdf....programmatically verify encrypted QRCode text, export images as PDF, set e-signature...pixel measurement units; align text in digital signatures for Microsoft...
Adding watermark to all pages of a particular type Using GroupDocs.Watermark, you can add watermark to all pages of a particular type in a document. It consists of following steps.
Load the document Create and initialize watermark object Set watermark properties Add watermark by specifying page type using setPlacementType() method of DiagramShapeWatermarkOptions Save the document Following code shows how to add watermark to a particular type of the pages....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...loadOptions ); // Initialize text watermark TextWatermark textWatermark...