The HTTP TE request header specifies the transfer encodings the user agent is willing to accept.
The transfer encodings are for message compression and chunking of data during transmission....te Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
Learn about the DOMRect interface, including its constructor, properties, and methods, specifications and browser compatibility....DOMRect Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
Learn about the HTMLElement.popover property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....dom-popover Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
Learn about the HTMLInputElement.selectionDirection property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
Learn about the HTMLMediaElement.audioTracks property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser See...
Externally connecTable controls which other extensions and web pages can communicate with an extension using runtime.connect() and runtime.sendMessage() message passing. If externally_connecTable is not specified, all extensions can communicate with each other but not with web pages.... Browser compatibility BCD tables only load in the browser Help...