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  1. GitHub Security Lab | Securing the world’s soft...

    Securing the world’s software, together...Vulnerabilities we've disclosed so far SQL injection vulnerability in FarmBot’s...discovered by Peter Stöckli SQL injection vulnerability in TaxonWorks...
  2. GitHub Security Lab | Securing the world’s soft...

    Securing the world’s software, together...Vulnerabilities we've disclosed so far SQL injection vulnerability in FarmBot’s...discovered by Peter Stöckli SQL injection vulnerability in TaxonWorks...
  3. Convert EXCEL to JPG Online for Free

    Easily convert Excel spreadsheets into high-quality JPG images! With this free online tool, you have the flexibility to set up a variety of conversion options according to your needs, such as merging multiple pages into one image, making sure that each worksheet corresponds to one image, adjusting the orientation of the output photo, and adding personalized watermarks. Quickly realize one-click accurate conversion from Excel to JPG format. Upload your documents now and experience a convenient and efficient office solution....XPS DIF MHTML MD JSON XML ZIP SQL TXT TABDELIMITED ET FODS SXC... SVG, TIFF, XPS, JSON, XML, SQL, MHTML and Markdown.Convert Excel...
  4. How can I utilise the same association more tha...

    I primarily utilise Spring Data JPA and Java with Spring Boot. There are two tables, A and B, in an existing database, with B having a foreign key referring to A. I have the 2 entities in my code.Preformatted text @Ta…...I want to run the following SQL query through HQL: select a.ID...
  5. Trouble opening certain files and formats - Fre...

    Hello Support Team, We are currently testing Group Docs in the .java Version on our Cloud Service. Unfortunally, we have a lot of files not opening (error in the middle of the operation) or just giving a blank Page. Th…...sql | fixed sample2.sql | fixed Softwaretesting_Präsentation...
  6. xmlreadmode - GroupDocs.Assembly for Java - API...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.assembly com.groupdocs.assembly.system com.grou......queries, against an instance of SQL Server. IGNORE_SCHEMA Ignores...queries, against an instance of SQL Server. When XmlReadMode is set...
  7. Online Document Viewer

    Document Automation APIs to enrich .NET and Java applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, redact, or classify documents of almost all the popular file formats....plugin Apache Tomcat PostGRE SQL Preparation First of all, you...need Apache tomcat and PostGRE SQL installed. Great news for all...
  8. GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 21.9 Release Notes

    GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET 21.9 Release Notes – the latest updates and fixes....PHP, SQL, XML, PSM1, PS1, PSD1 C# colorizing example: SQL colorizing...
  9. How to Install and Use GroupDocs' Online Docume...

    Let me show you how to install and use GroupDocs online document viewer plugin for Alfresco CMS on Linux. Requirements Java jdk Java jre Alfresco GroupDocs Viewer plugin Apache Tomcat PostGRE Sql Preparation First of all, you should have Alfresco CMS installed in your machine. Download and install a community version if you don’t have one already. Alfresco is a Java CMS, so we need Apache tomcat and PostGRE Sql installed....plugin Apache Tomcat PostGRE SQL Preparation # First of all, you...need Apache tomcat and PostGRE SQL installed. But don’t worry! you...
  10. XmlReadMode - GroupDocs.Assembly for Java - API...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.assembly com.groupdocs.assembly.system com.grou......queries, against an instance of SQL Server. IGNORE_SCHEMA Ignores...queries, against an instance of SQL Server. When XmlReadMode is set...