Checks this instance with specified font Resource on reference equality...Resources Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Fonts FontResourceBase Class FontResourceBase...
Checks this instance with specified HTML Resource on reference equality...Resources Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Fonts FontResourceBase Class FontResourceBase...
Checks this instance with specified HTML Resource on reference equality...Resources Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Audio Mp3Audio Class Mp3Audio Methods Equals...
Returns a formal name of this textual Resource type...Resources Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Textual TextType Structure TextType Properties...
Returns name of this text Resource without file extension...Resources Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Textual TextResourceBase Class TextResourceBase...
Special value, which marks undefined, unknown or unsupported font Resource...Resources Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Fonts FontType Structure FontType Properties...
Gets or sets options that specifies if external document Resources should be loaded. This option with disabled value (false) allows to save loading...specifies if external document resources should be loaded. This option...with many or large external resource links. By default value is...
Returns content of all external stylesheets as a list of strings, where one string represents one stylesheet. Returns empty list, if there is no CS...every link to the external resource in every resultant stylesheet...