Returns content of this MP3 Resource as base64encoded string. This value is cached after first invoke....Returns content of this MP3 resource as base64-encoded string....GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Audio assembly GroupDocs.Editor...
Disposes this font Resource, disposing its content and making most methods and properties non-working...Resources Namespaces GroupDocs.Editor...Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Fonts FontResourceBase Class FontResourceBase...
The com.groupdocs.editor.htmlcss.Resources.images namespace provides classes that represent image Resources of all types in general....resources.images The com.groupdocs.editor...editor.htmlcss.resources.images namespace provides classes that...
The content behind MDN Web Docs. Contribute to mdn/content development by creating an account on GitHub....indicates that the linked resource is intended to be downloaded...referrer to use when fetching the resource: - `no-referrer`: The {{H...
IResourceLoadingOptions class IResourceLoadingOptions class Represents set of options to control how external resourc......options to control how external resources will be loaded The IResourceLoadingOpti...skip_external_resources If true all external resource will not be...
Expands the standard IDisposable interface allows to obtain a current state of an object and subscribe to disposing event...get; } Determines whether a resource is already disposed ( true...right after the disposing resources is successfully completed...
Saves this MP3 Resource to the specified file...Save method Saves this MP3 resource to the specified file public...GroupDocs.Editor.HtmlCss.Resources.Audio assembly GroupDocs.Editor...