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  1. Find and Replace Words in Word Documents using ...

    Find, replace, or hide text, words, phrases in Word DOC/DOCX files using C#. Redact and perform text, case-sensitive & RegEx search with .NET Redaction API....Phrases Replace Text using Regular Expressions (RegEx) Hide the...Replace Text in Word Files using Regular Expressions (RegEx) using C#...
  2. RegexRedaction Properties - GroupDocs.Redaction...

    Gets the ReplacementOptions instance, specifying type of text replacement....RegularExpression Gets the regular expression to match. See Also...
  3. TextSearchCriteria.Pattern Property - GroupDocs...

    Gets the search pattern....Property Value Type: Regex The regular expression pattern to match...
  4. CellColumnRedaction Properties - GroupDocs.Reda...

    Gets the ReplacementOptions instance, specifying type of text replacement....) Pattern Gets the regular expression to match. See Also...
  5. TextRedaction Methods - GroupDocs.Redaction for...

    Applies the redaction to a given format instance....This method applies a given Regular Expression to an instance of...
  6. RegexRedaction Methods - GroupDocs.Redaction fo...

    Applies the redaction to a given format instance....This method applies a given Regular Expression to an instance of...
  7. Redact PDF and Scanned Documents in Java | Blac...

    Redact text in PDF and other documents using Java in your applications. Redact documents to blackout text and also the text within the embedded doable even if this is regular textual information or it is...PDF documents, that contains regular text or any text within the...
  8. RegexRedaction Constructor (Regex, ReplacementO...

    Initializes a new instance of RegexRedaction class....RegularExpressions Regex Regular expression to search and replace...
  9. SearchOptions Properties - GroupDocs.Parser for...

    Gets the options for the left highlight....value that indicates whether a regular expression is used. See Also...
  10. GitHub - groupdocs-watermark/GroupDocs.Watermar...

    GroupDocs.Watermark for .NET examples, plugins and showcase projects - groupdocs-watermark/GroupDocs.Watermark-for-.NET...Watermarks in a PDF using Regular Expression // Constants.InDocumentPdf...@"^© \d{4}$" ) ; // search by regular expression TextSearchCriteria...