FontSubstitute class FontSubstitute class Describes substitution for missing font. Inheritance: FontSubstitute → Valu......FontSubstitute class FontSubstitute class Describes substitution for missing font. Inheritance: FontSubstitute → Valu...
IDocumentInfo class IDocumentInfo class Contains metadata for a document. The IDocumentInfo type exposes the followin......IDocumentInfo class IDocumentInfo class Contains metadata for a document. The IDocumentInfo type exposes the followin...
FileCache class FileCache class File caching behaviour. Means that cache is stored on the file system The FileCache t......FileCache class FileCache class File caching behaviour. Means that cache is stored on the file system The FileCache t...
SpreadsheetConvertOptions class SpreadsheetConvertOptions class Options for conversion to Spreadsheet file type. Inhe......SpreadsheetConvertOptions class SpreadsheetConvertOptions class Options for conversion to Spreadsheet file type. Inhe...
WebpOptions class WebpOptions class Options for conversion to Webp file type. Inheritance: WebpOptions → ValueObject ......WebpOptions class WebpOptions class Options for conversion to Webp file type. Inheritance: WebpOptions → ValueObject ...
WatermarkTextOptions class WatermarkTextOptions class Options for settings text watermark to the converted document I......WatermarkTextOptions class WatermarkTextOptions class Options for settings text watermark to the converted document I...
FontSubstituteException class FontSubstituteException class Thrown if font substitute is illegal Inheritance: FontSub......FontSubstituteException class FontSubstituteException class Thrown if font substitute is illegal Inheritance: FontSub...
SourceDocumentFactoryNotProvidedException class SourceDocumentFactoryNotProvidedException class GroupDocs exception t......SourceDocumentFactoryNotProvidedException class SourceDocumentFactoryNotProvidedException class GroupDocs exception t...