Gets the range of all possible output (interpreted) values....IEnumValueInterprete Properties OutputValueRange Property IEnumValueInterprete...IEnumValueInterprete Properties The IEnumValueInterprete type exposes the...
All stamp types....StampTypes Properties AllTypes Property StampTypes Properties The StampTypes...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description AllTypes...
Gets the default value for the TiffImageSaveOptions class....TiffImageSaveOptions Properties Default Property TiffImageSaveOptions...TiffImageSaveOptions Properties The TiffImageSaveOptions type exposes the following...
Gets the default value for the SpreadsheetSaveOptions class....SpreadsheetSaveOptio Properties Default Property SpreadsheetSaveOptio...SpreadsheetSaveOptio Properties The SpreadsheetSaveOptio type exposes the following...
Gets the default value for the WordProcessingSaveOptions class....WordProcessingSaveOp Properties Default Property WordProcessingSaveOp...WordProcessingSaveOp Properties The WordProcessingSaveOp type exposes the following...
Gets the default value for the PresentationSaveOptions class....PresentationSaveOpti Properties Default Property PresentationSaveOpti...PresentationSaveOpti Properties The PresentationSaveOpti type exposes the following...
Flag to search on each Document page. By default this value is set to true....FormFieldSearchOptio Properties Name Property Type Property Value Property FormFieldSearchOptio...FormFieldSearchOptio Properties The FormFieldSearchOptio type exposes...
Gets or sets annotation link url...Properties IUrl Interface IUrl Properties Url Property IUrl...IUrl Properties The IUrl type exposes the following members. Properties...