The enumeration key....Constructor PdfDirection Properties PdfDirection Methods PdfDirection...PdfDirection Fields PdfDirection Properties The PdfDirection type exposes...
Gets the value that indicates whether the raw mode is used....TextOptions Properties UseRawModeIfPossible Property TextOptions...TextOptions Properties The TextOptions type exposes the following members...
Gets or sets the page index to add watermark to....PdfXObjectWatermarkO Properties PageIndex Property PdfXObjectWatermarkO...PdfXObjectWatermarkO Properties The PdfXObjectWatermarkO type exposes the following...
Gets the Dublin Core metadata package extracted from the document....IDublinCore Properties DublinCorePackage Property IDublinCore...IDublinCore Properties The IDublinCore type exposes the following members...
Page numbers for the page options....IPageOptions Properties Pages Property IPageOptions Properties The IPageOptions...exposes the following members. Properties Name Description Pages Page...
Gets or sets the Web URL for a rights management certificate....XmpRightsManagementP Properties Certificate Property Marked Property Owners...Owners Property UsageTerms Property WebStatement Property XmpRightsManagementP...