All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.annotation com.groupdocs.annotation.cache com.groupdocs.annotation.exceptions com.groupdocs.annotation...Represents area annotation properties class ArrowAnnotation Represents...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.metadata com.groupdocs.metadata.core com.groupdocs.metadata.export com.groupdocs.m......value) Adds known metadata properties satisfying the specification...specification) Finds the metadata properties satisfying a specification...
The namespace provides classes for working with document representation....Contains Barcode Signature properties. BarcodeType Specifies Barcode...Barcode type properties. BarcodeTypes Barcode Types container...
Using the GroupDocs.Metadata search engine you can extract desired metadata Properties from files of different types. You don’t need to worry about the exact file format and metadata standards it can deal with. The same code will work for all supported formats in the same way. Most commonly used metadata Properties are marked with tags that allow searching them across all supported files in various metadata packages. All tags defined in GroupDocs....extract desired metadata properties from files of different types...Most commonly used metadata properties are marked with tags that...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.metadata com.groupdocs.metadata.core com.groupdocs.metadata.export com.groupdocs.m......which most important metadata properties are marked. The tags allow...find and update metadata properties in different packages regardless...