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printing annotations

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  1. Search for Image e-signatures | Documentation

    This article explains how to search for Image electronic signatures with GroupDocs.Signature API....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...searchOptions ); System . out . print ( "\nSource document ['" + fileName...
  2. Working with data extracted by template | Docum...

    Extracted data are stored in the instance of DocumentData class....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...instanceof PageTextArea ) { // Print the field value System . out...
  3. Extracting metadata | Documentation

    Using the GroupDocs.Metadata search engine you can extract desired metadata properties from files of different types. You don’t need to worry about the exact file format and metadata standards it can deal with. The same code will work for all supported formats in the same way. Most commonly used metadata properties are marked with tags that allow searching them across all supported files in various metadata packages. All tags defined in GroupDocs....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...is_encrypted != True : print () print ( file ) specification...
  4. Logging | Documentation

    An interface is used to receive the information about errors, warnings and events which occur while data extraction....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...supported." ); return ; } // Print the document text using ( TextReader...
  5. Advanced search for Image signatures | Document...

     This article explains how to make advanced search for Image electronic signatures with GroupDocs.Signature API....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...searchOptions ); System . out . print ( "\nSource document ['" + fileName...
  6. Extract metadata from Microsoft Office PowerPoi...

    To extract metadata from Microsoft Office PowerPoint presentations getMetadata method is used. This method allows to extract the following metadata: Name Description title The title of the presentation. subject The subject of the presentation. keywords The keyword of the presentation. comments The comments of the presentation. content-status The content status of the presentation. category The category of the presentation. company The company of the presentation. manager The manager of the presentation....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...when it was last saved. last-printed-time The time of the presentation...
  7. Extract text from Microsoft OneNote sections | ...

    This article explains that how to extract text from Microsoft OneNote sections presentations...Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...= parser . GetText ()) { // Print a text from the section Console...
  8. Extract metadata from Microsoft Office Word doc...

    This article explains that how to extract metadata from Microsoft Office Word (.doc, .docx) documents...Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...when it was last saved. last-printed-time The time of the document...
  9. GroupDocs.Parser for .NET 18.9 Release Notes | ...

    Note This page contains release notes for GroupDocs.Parser for .NET 18.9. Major Features There are the following features in this release: Ability to extract a text from databases Ability to extract data from PDF Forms Full List of Issues Covering all Changes in this Release Key Summary Issue Type PARSERNET-555 Implement the ability to extract a text from databases New feature PARSERNET-975 Implement the ability to extract data from the form fields of PDFs New feature Public API and Backward Incompatible Changes Note This section lists public API changes that were introduced in GroupDocs....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...container . Entities ) { // Print a table name System . Console...
  10. Extract text from EPUB eBooks | Documentation

    To extract text from EPUB e-books getText and getText(pageIndex) methods is used. These methods allow to extract text from the entire document or a text from the selected page. Raw mode is not supported for EPUB....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...= parser . getText ()) { // Print a text from the e-book System...