Encapsulates document protection options for the WordProcessing document which is generated from HTML...te protectionType, String password) Allows to set all parameters...document. getPassword() The password to protect the document with...
Set Password to unprotect protected document....Property OptimizePdfSize Property Password Property Sheets Property ShowGridLines...SpreadsheetLoadOptio Password Property Set password to unprotect protected...
Set Password to unprotect protected document....HideWordTrackedChang Property Password Property PreserveFormFields...WordProcessingLoadOp Password Property Set password to unprotect protected...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.parser com.groupdocs.parser.data com.groupdocs.parser.exceptions com.groupdocs.par......Loading specific file formats Password-protected documents Constructor...LoadOptions class with empty Password , FileFormat equal to FileFormat...
Allows to specify, modify and obtain the Password, which will be used for opening the Presentation document, if it is encoded. Set to NULL or empt...PresentationLoadOpti Properties Password Property PresentationLoadOpti...Properties Name Description Password Allows to specify, modify...
Protects document with Password....method Protects document with password. public void AddPassword (...options for specifying the password. Exceptions exception condition...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.editor com.groupdocs.editor.formats com.groupdocs.editor.handler com.groupdocs.edi...... String getPassword () Password, which will be applied to...generated PDF document as user password, required for opening. void...