Files with MHTML extension represent a web Page archive format that can be created by a number of different applications. The format is known as archive format...MHTML extension represent a web page archive format that can be created...
Gets or sets flag to grab Barcode image content of signature on document Page. If this flag is set true, Barcode signature image content will keep...content of signature on document page. If this flag is set true, Barcode...
Represents convert options that support conversion of specific list of Pages...conversion of specific list of pages Namespace: GroupDocs.Conversion...IConvertOptions .) Pages The list of page indexes to be converted...
Represents view information for Mbox files storage...MboxViewInfo (FileType, List<Page>, int) Initializes new storage Pages { get; set; } The list of pages to view. Methods...
Rotate Pages of the document....RotatePages method Rotate pages of the document. public void...IRotateOptions The options for the page rotating. Exceptions exception...