Initializes a New instance of the TemplateBarcode class....(Rectangle, String) Initializes a new instance of the TemplateBarcode...rectangle , string name ) Public Sub New ( rectangle As Rectangle , name...
Initializes a New instance of GroupDocsRedactionException class with serialized data....StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of GroupDocsRedactionEx...StreamingContext context ) Protected Sub New ( info As SerializationInfo ...
Initializes a New instance of IncorrectPasswordException class with serialized data....StreamingContext) Initializes a new instance of IncorrectPasswordExc...StreamingContext context ) Protected Sub New ( info As SerializationInfo ...
Instantiates New time stamp structure....TimeStamp Constructor Instantiates new time stamp structure. Namespace:...string password ) Public Sub New ( url As String , user As String...
Initializes a New instance of the SearchOptions class with default values. See remarks for details....SearchOptions Constructor Initializes a new instance of the SearchOptions...() Public Sub New public : SearchOptions () new : unit -> SearchOptions...
Hi. There is a problem with a conversion of specific EML files to any other format on Linux which results in an unhandled(uncatchable) exception which crashes the whole process.
Exception: Screenshot 2021-09-12 194133.p…...sourceStream = new MemoryStream(source); var loadOptions = new EmailLoadOptions...= 2 }; using var converter = new Converter(() => sourceStream...
Initializes a New instance of the PropertyValue class with a TimeSpan value....Constructor (TimeSpan) Initializes a new instance of the PropertyValue...TimeSpan value ) Public Sub New ( value As TimeSpan ) public...
Initializes a New instance of the PropertyValue class with a long value....Constructor (Int64) Initializes a new instance of the PropertyValue...PropertyValue ( long value ) Public Sub New ( value As Long ) public : PropertyValue...
Initializes a New instance of the JoinOptions class....Constructor ( Int32 ) Initializes a new instance of the JoinOptions class...[] pageNumbers ) Public Sub New ( pageNumbers As Integer () )...
Represents watermark adding options when adding watermark to a TIFF image....TiffImageWatermarkOp Initializes a new instance of the TiffImageWatermarkOp...TiffImageWatermarkOp(Int32) Initializes a new instance of the TiffImageWatermarkOp...