Document Automation APIs to enrich .NET and Java applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, redact, or classify documents of almost all the popular file formats....它由 Microsoft 提供,允許您創建和編輯包含由各種應用程序創建的項目或對象的文檔。...
Document Automation APIs to enrich .NET and Java applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, redact, or classify documents of almost all the popular file formats....它由 Microsoft 提供,允许您创建和编辑包含由各种应用程序创建的项目或对象的文档。...
Hi Team,
I am getting the error “Cannot convert. The file is corrupt or damaged.” when I try to convert my Excel file (Xlsx) into the images.
The same file works fine when I try to read the file from local and convert …...Excel File of Type Xlsx. Cannot convert. The file is corrupt...” when I try to convert my excel file (Xlsx) into the images...
This section describes GroupDocs.Merger for .NET supported document types. The Library supports PDF, DOCX, XLSX, PPTX and many DOC / DOCX Microsoft Word Document Microsoft Word Open XML...File Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Presentation Microsoft PowerPoint...
It supports DOCX, DOCM, DOC, DOT, DOTM, XLS, XLSX, PDF, PPT, JPG, PNG, HTML, EML and many more....Template Microsoft PowerPoint Macro-Enabled Template Microsoft PowerPoint...Template Microsoft PowerPoint 97-2003 Slide Show Microsoft PowerPoint...
Java API to Render TEX to DIF |,Java API to Render TEX to XLAM |,Convert TEX to TSV via C# API |...Java API without using MicrosoftExcel or Adobe Reader...Java...Java API without using MicrosoftExcel or Adobe Reader...Java...