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metadata management

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  1. metadata management

    Document Automation APIs to enrich .NET and Java applications to view, edit, annotate, convert, compare, e-sign, parse, split, merge, redact, or classify documents of almost all the popular file formats....using our metadata manipulation API - GroupDocs.Metadata for .NET...searching or removing the metadata properties from the documents...
  2. Best Practices in Metadata Management

    Before going in-depth to Metadata Management, let’s discuss what the Metadata is? The Metadata summarizes basic information about data. In other words, it’s an information which describes the data that contained in something like a web page, document, or file. Another way to think of Metadata is as a short explanation or summary of what the data is. A simple example of Metadata for a document might include a collection of information like the author, file size, date the document was created, and keywords to describe the to Metadata management, let’s discuss what the metadata is?... The Metadata summarizes basic information about data. In other...
  3. .NET Metadata Management Cloud SDK for PDF, Wor...

    C# .NET Metadata API to read, write, edit, analyze, search, extract, remove, compare & export Metadata of PDF Word Excel PPTX Outlook Audio Video & Images....Metadata .NET .NET Cloud SDK for Metadata Management, extract and remove metadata properties from documents...
  4. Document Metadata Manipulation Apps, SDKs and C...

    Document Metadata APIs native to C# .NET & Java. Read, write, edit & compare meta information of all popular formats. Analyze & export Metadata....Metadata Document Metadata Management Solution, edit, update and delete metadata of documents, images and other...
  5. Document Metadata Manipulation Cloud SDKs and R...

    Perform Metadata operations on documents, images, multimedia and image file formats using cURL Commands and Cloud SDKs for .NET and Java....Metadata Product Family Metadata Management REST APIs...APIs & SDKs Perform metadata manipulation operations on documents...
  6. Node.js Library to Manipulate File Metadata

    Enhance Node.js applications by analyzing, comparing, editing, removing, and exporting Metadata of popular file formats, like PDF, Word, Excel etc....Metadata Node.js Metadata for .NET Metadata for Java...Java Metadata for Python Metadata for Node.js via Java Documents...
  7. GroupDocs.Metadata Cloud for cURL

    Manipulate Metadata properties from PDF, Word, Excel, Presentations, multimedia, images and metafiles using Cloud REST API....Metadata cURL Document Metadata Management using cURL...cURL Manipulate metadata properties from PDF, Word, Excel, Presentations...
  8. Java Metadata Cloud SDK – Read Edit Remove Meta...

    Java Metadata API to view, read, edit, analyze, find, delete, compare & export Metadata of PDF Word Excel PPTX Outlook Visio Audio Video & Image documents....Metadata Java Metadata Management Cloud SDK for...Java Metadata manipulation REST API to manage metadata properties...
  9. Python Library to Control Document Metadata

    Enhance Python apps by creating, editing, removing, and exporting Metadata for popular file formats like PDF, Word, Excel and images....Metadata Metadata for .NET Metadata for Java Metadata for...Node.js Metadata for Python via .NET Documents Metadata Management...
  10. .NET, Java, Node.js, Python APIs & Online Metad...

    Document Metadata APIs native to C# .NET & Java. Read, write, edit & compare meta information of all popular formats. Analyze & export Metadata....Document Metadata Management Solution APIs and apps to read,... edit, replace and remove metadata of documents, images and other...