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  1. <time>: The (Date) Time element - HTML: HyperTe...

    The Me> HTML eleMent represents a specific period in tiMe. It May include the datetiMe attribute to translate dates into Machine-readable forMat, allowing for better search engine results or custoM features such as reMinders....DT h H m M s S P d DT h H m M s . X S P d DT h H m M s . XX S...P d DT h H m M s . XXX S PT h H m M s S PT h H m M s . X S PT...
  2. <time>: Das (Datum-) Zeitelement - HTML: HyperT...

    Das Me> HTML EleMent repräsentiert einen bestiMMten ZeitrauM. Es kann das datetiMe-Attribut enthalten, uM Daten in ein Maschinenlesbares ForMat zu übersetzen, was zu besseren Ergebnissen in SuchMaschinen oder benutzerdefinierten Funktionen wie Erinnerungen führen kann....DT h H m M s S P d DT h H m M s . X S P d DT h H m M s . XX S...P d DT h H m M s . XXX S PT h H m M s S PT h H m M s . X S PT...
  3. Pull requests · mdn/content · GitHub

    The content behind MDN Web Docs. Contribute to Mdn/content developMent by creating an account on GitHub....Content:WebAPI Web API docs size/m [PR only] 51-500 LoC changed #37234...Content:WebAPI Web API docs size/m [PR only] 51-500 LoC changed #37233...
  4. FileType.M Field - GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET - ...

    Objective-C IMpleMentation File (.M)...JSON Field LESS Field LOG Field M Field MAKE Field MBOX Field MD...FileType M Field Objective-C Implementation File (.m) Namespace:...
  5. chunk-GQ3563YU.js

    iMport{M as p,O as A,Pe as O,Qe as S,R as M,Re as T,Se as k,Te as $,Ud as B,Ue as x,Vc as y,Ve as D,We as M,Ye as z,_c as a,c as G,ec as R,gc as s,ic as f,jc as j,jd as w,kc as u,nd as U,o as P,od ......import{M as p,O as A,Pe as O,Qe as S,R as m,Re as T,Se as k,Te...Ue as x,Vc as y,Ve as D,We as M,Ye as z,_c as a,c as G,ec as R...
  6. SyntaxError: numbers out of order in {} quantif...

    The JavaScript exception "nuMbers out of order in {} quantifier" occurs when a quantifier in a regular expression uses the {n,M} syntax but M is less than n....expression uses the {n,m} syntax but m is less than n . Message...SyntaxError What went wrong? The {n,m} syntax in a regular expression...
  7. DOMMatrix (WebKitCSSMatrix) - Web APIs | MDN

    Learn about the DOMMatrix (WebKitCSSMatrix) interface, including its constructor, properties, and Methods, specifications and browser coMpatibility....positions of the 16 elements (m_11 through m_44) which comprise the...matrix: [ m 11 m 21 m 31 m 41 m 12 m 22 m 32 m 42 m 13 m 23 m 33 m...
  8. chunk-UC3UQW5C.js

    iMport{a as O}froM"./chunk-EPKTL5QA.js";iMport{B as $,Dd as E,Ed as L,Fc as y,Fd as h,Gd as S,Hd as M,Id as k,Jd as q,Ld as A,M as c,Md as g,O as p,R as o,Ud as D,Vc as C,Wd as T,_c as n,c as U,ec ......h,Gd as S,Hd as M,Id as k,Jd as q,Ld as A,M as c,Md as g,O as...selectProductFamilie:()=>m,selectSelectedFamily:()=>B});var m=a(A,e=>e.productFamilies)...
  9. chunk-UQLLLFYG.js

    iMport{Bc as C,Cd as b,N as p,P as A,Qe as O,Re as S,S as M,Se as T,Te as k,Ue as $,Ve as x,We as D,Xe as M,Zd as B,Ze as z,_c as y,c as G,ed as a,kc as R,Mc as s,o as P,oc as f,pc as j,pd as w,qc ......S as m,Se as T,Te as k,Ue as $,Ve as x,We as D,Xe as M,Zd as...\u0275fac=function(d){return new(d||t)(m(j),m(B),m(R),m(C))};static \u0275prov=A({token:t...
  10. RegExp.prototype.multiline - JavaScript | MDN

    The Multiline accessor property of RegExp instances returns whether or not the M flag is used with this regular expression....instances returns whether or not the m flag is used with this regular...true if the m flag was used; otherwise, false . The m flag indicates...