Net API til að búa til og athugasemda við vinsælar athugasemdagerðir úr GIF, myndum, teikningum og skjalaskráarsniðum....Stýrikerfi: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS Þróunarumhverfi: Visual...
Net API chun cineálacha móréilimh anótála a chruthú agus a Anótáil ó WMF, íomhánna, líníochtaí agus formáidí comhaid doiciméad....Oibriúcháin: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS Timpeallachtaí Forbartha:...
Net API chun cineálacha móréilimh anótála a chruthú agus a Anótáil ó DOCM, íomhánna, líníochtaí agus formáidí comhaid doiciméad....Oibriúcháin: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS Timpeallachtaí Forbartha:...
Net API chun cineálacha móréilimh anótála a chruthú agus a Anótáil ó CAD, íomhánna, líníochtaí agus formáidí comhaid doiciméad....Oibriúcháin: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS Timpeallachtaí Forbartha:...
Java API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from PPTX, images, drawings and document file formats....Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS Development Environment:...
Java API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from DOCM, images, drawings and document file formats....Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS Development Environment:...
Java API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from ODT, images, drawings and document file formats....Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS Development Environment:...
Java API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from ODS, images, drawings and document file formats....Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS Development Environment:...
Java API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from VSS, images, drawings and document file formats....Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS Development Environment:...
Java API to create and Annotate popular annotation types from DJVU, images, drawings and document file formats....Systems: Microsoft Windows, Linux, MacOS Development Environment:...