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  1. head 태그에는 무엇이 있을까? HTML의 메타데이터 - Web 개발 학습하기 | MDN

    HTML의 head는 페이지를 열 때 웹 브라우저에 표시되지 않습니다. head는 같은 페이지나, CSS의 링크(HTML 컨텐츠를 CSS로 스타일링하기를 원한다면), 파비콘(favicon), 그리고 다른 메타데이터(작성자, 중요한 키워드와 같은 HTML에 대한 내용)를 포함합니다. 이 글에서는 위 내용들과 그 이상에 대해 다룰 것입니다. 이것은 head에 있어야하는 마크업이나 다른 코드들을 다루는데 좋은 기초가 될 것입니다....<head>에 추가하여 favicon을 참조하라 : html <<strong>link</strong> rel="shortcut icon" href="favicon...high-resolution Retina display: --> <<strong>link</strong> rel="apple-touch-icon-precomposed"...</h3></div> </div> <div class="site text-truncate"> <cite></cite> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="#result0">more..</a> </div> </li> <li id="result2"> <h2 class="title text-truncate"> <a class="link" href="" data-uri="" data-order="0">Convert DOCX To MHTML Online</a> </h2> <div class="body"> <div class="description"><h3>DOCX to MHTML converter online. Convert DOCX to MHTML for free.... You can send download <strong>link</strong> by e-mail, if you would will receive a download <strong>link</strong>. You can download the result...</h3></div> </div> <div class="site text-truncate"> <cite></cite> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="#result0">more..</a> </div> </li> <li id="result3"> <h2 class="title text-truncate"> <a class="link" href="" data-uri="" data-order="0">HTMLElement: title property - Web APIs | MDN</a> </h2> <div class="body"> <div class="description"><h3>Learn about the HTMLElement.title property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility....Examples js const <strong>link</strong> = document.createElement("a"); <strong>link</strong>.innerText...innerText = "grapes"; <strong>link</strong>.href = "";...</h3></div> </div> <div class="site text-truncate"> <cite></cite> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="#result0">more..</a> </div> </li> <li id="result4"> <h2 class="title text-truncate"> <a class="link" href="" data-uri="" data-order="0">Java Error Unsupported size for JarEntry META-I...</a> </h2> <div class="body"> <div class="description"><h3>Hello, I am getting a compile time build error below when trying to run your Examples that I cloned from GitHub. [ERROR] error reading C:\Users\SMUNOZ\.m2\repository\com\groupdocs\groupdocs-viewer\23.11\groupdocs-viewe…... See SO <strong>link</strong>: java - Unsupported size for...proposed workaround that you’ve <strong>linked</strong> should work, use the following...</h3></div> </div> <div class="site text-truncate"> <cite></cite> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="#result0">more..</a> </div> </li> <li id="result5"> <h2 class="title text-truncate"> <a class="link" href="" data-uri="" data-order="0">Extract hyper<strong>link</strong>s from Microsoft Office Word d...</a> </h2> <div class="body"> <div class="description"><h3>To extract hyper<strong>Link</strong>s from Microsoft Office Word document getStructure method is used. This method returns XML representation of the document. Hyper<strong>Link</strong>s are represented by “hyper<strong>Link</strong>” tag; “<strong>Link</strong>” attribute contains hyper<strong>Link</strong>’s URL. For more details, see Extract text structure. Hyper<strong>Link</strong> can contain a text: <hyper<strong>Link</strong> <strong>Link</strong>=""></hyper<strong>Link</strong>> Warning getStructure method returns null value if text structure extraction isn’t supported for the document. For example, text structure extraction isn’t supported for TXT files. Therefore, for TXT file getStructure method returns null....represented by “hyperlink” tag; “<strong>link</strong>” attribute contains hyperlink’s...can contain a text: <hyperlink <strong>link</strong>= "" ></h3></div> </div> <div class="site text-truncate"> <cite></cite> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="#result0">more..</a> </div> </li> <li id="result6"> <h2 class="title text-truncate"> <a class="link" href="" data-uri="" data-order="0">ApePackage - GroupDocs.Metadata for Java - API ...</a> </h2> <div class="body"> <div class="description"><h3>All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.metadata com.groupdocs.metadata.core com.groupdocs.metadata.export com.groupdocs.m......getAbstract () Gets the abstract <strong>link</strong>. String getAlbum () Gets the...Gets the abstract <strong>link</strong>. Returns: The abstract <strong>link</strong>. getLanguage public...</h3></div> </div> <div class="site text-truncate"> <cite></cite> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="#result0">more..</a> </div> </li> <li id="result7"> <h2 class="title text-truncate"> <a class="link" href="" data-uri="" data-order="0">Typesetting a community school homepage - Learn...</a> </h2> <div class="body"> <div class="description"><h3>In this assessment, we'll test your understanding of all the text styling techniques we've covered throughout this module by getting you to style the text for a community school's homepage. You might just have some fun along the way....exercise, and the provided external <strong>link</strong> icon . Make a copy of them on...editors, and use this external <strong>link</strong> icon as a background image....</h3></div> </div> <div class="site text-truncate"> <cite></cite> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="#result0">more..</a> </div> </li> <li id="result8"> <h2 class="title text-truncate"> <a class="link" href="" data-uri="" data-order="0">콘텐츠 카테고리 - HTML: Hypertext Markup Language | MDN</a> </h2> <div class="body"> <div class="description"><h3>모든 HTML 요소는 특성을 공유하는 요소끼리 묶는 콘텐츠 카테고리 한 가지 이상에 속합니다. 콘텐츠 카테고리는 느슨한 관계로 서로 간에 어떤 관계를 형성하지는 않지만, 카테고리에서 공유하는 동작이나 관련 규칙을 정의하고 설명할 때, 특히 복잡한 세부사항을 포함할 때는 더욱 도움이 됩니다. 요소가 아무런 카테고리에도 속하지 않는 것 역시 가능합니다....<base> , 지원이 중단되었습니다 <command> , <<strong>link</strong>> , <meta> , <noscript> , <script>...<area> 는 <map> 요소의 자손인 경우. <<strong>link</strong>> 가 itemprop 특성을 가지고 있는 경우.....</h3></div> </div> <div class="site text-truncate"> <cite></cite> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="#result0">more..</a> </div> </li> <li id="result9"> <h2 class="title text-truncate"> <a class="link" href="" data-uri="" data-order="0">Parser consuming not releasable memory - Free S...</a> </h2> <div class="body"> <div class="description"><h3>Hello, I found out that if Groupdocs.Parser tries to parse certain invalid PDF files and fails (expected), there remains allocated memory (of approx. file size + some percentage) which cannot be relased by calling Dispo…... Here is the download <strong>link</strong> for the file which can be reproducing...</h3></div> </div> <div class="site text-truncate"> <cite></cite> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="#result0">more..</a> </div> </li> <li id="result10"> <h2 class="title text-truncate"> <a class="link" href="" data-uri="" data-order="0">package-use - GroupDocs.Annotation for Java - A...</a> </h2> <div class="body"> <div class="description"><h3>All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.annotation com.groupdocs.annotation.cache com.groupdocs.annotation.exceptions com.......replace IUrl Defines annotation <strong>link</strong> url IVerticalAlignment Defines...replace IUrl Defines annotation <strong>link</strong> url IVerticalAlignment Defines...</h3></div> </div> <div class="site text-truncate"> <cite></cite> </div> <div class="more"> <a href="#result0">more..</a> </div> </li> </ol> </div> </div> <!-- pagination --> <div class="row"> <nav id="subfooter"> <ul class="pagination"> <li class="page-item" aria-label="Previous"> <a class="page-link" href="/q/link-51.html"> <span aria-hidden="true">«</span> <span class="sr-only">Prev</span> </a> </li> <li class="page-item"> <a href="/q/link-47.html" class="page-link">47</a> </li> <li class="page-item"> <a href="/q/link-48.html" class="page-link">48</a> </li> <li class="page-item"> <a href="/q/link-49.html" class="page-link">49</a> </li> <li class="page-item"> <a href="/q/link-50.html" class="page-link">50</a> </li> <li class="page-item"> <a href="/q/link-51.html" class="page-link">51</a> </li> <li class="page-item active"> <a href="/q/link-52.html" class="page-link">52</a> </li> <li class="page-item"> <a href="/q/link-53.html" class="page-link">53</a> </li> <li class="page-item"> <a href="/q/link-54.html" class="page-link">54</a> </li> <li class="page-item"> <a href="/q/link-55.html" class="page-link">55</a> </li> <li class="page-item"> <a href="/q/link-56.html" class="page-link">56</a> </li> <li class="page-item"> <a href="/q/link-57.html" class="page-link">57</a> </li> <li class="page-item"><a href="/q/link-53.html" class="page-link"><span class="sr-only">Next</span> <span aria-hidden="true">»</span></a></li> </ul> </nav> </div> <!-- end of pagination --> </div></div> <div id="back-top"><a href="#top" class="backtop" style="cursor: pointer; display: inline;"> </a></div> <div id=DynabicMenuFooter></div> <!-- jQuery --> <script src="/static/vendors/jquery/v2.2.3/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- Containerize.Menu js --> <script>(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['ContainerizeMenuObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){(i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o),m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.append(a)})(window,document,'script','','groupdocs-en');</script> <!-- Bootstrap --> <script src="/static/vendors/bootstrap/v4.3.1/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/groupdocs/suggestor.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/static/js/groupdocs/index.js"></script> <script> $(function() { var isEnterClicked = false; $('.sideopen, #searchOptionsButton, #searchOptionsCloseButton').click(function(){ $('.sideopen').toggleClass('movebtn'); if(isEnterClicked === true){ $("#searchOptions").removeClass("active") } }); $('.searchinput').on('keypress', function(e) { var keycode = e.charCode || e.keyCode; if (keycode === 13) { // Trigger the button element with a click document.getElementById("searchButton").click(); // $("#searchOptions").removeClass('active'); isEnterClicked = true; } }); }); </script> </body> </html>