The border-left-style CSS property sets the line style of an element's left border....Skip to search Skip to select language Article Actions English (US)...(US) Remember language Deutsch Français 日本語 한국어 中文 (简体) The border-left-style...
The block-size CSS property defines the horizontal or vertical size of an element's block, depending on its writing mode. It corresponds to either the width or the height property, depending on the value of writing-mode....Skip to search Skip to select language Article Actions English (US)...(US) Remember language Deutsch Español Français 日本語 Português...
The atan2() CSS function is a trigonometric function that returns the inverse tangent of two values between -infinity and infinity. The function accepts two arguments and returns the number of radians representing an between -180deg and 180deg....Skip to search Skip to select language Article Actions English (US)...(US) Remember language Deutsch 中文 (简体) The atan2() CSS function...
Gets or sets a string value specifying the file name of the template from which the document was created....Property Keywords Property Language Property Manager Property...
Gets the tags that are attached to metadata properties describing the content of a file. The tags are useful to find out the content Language, typ...useful to find out the content language, type (genre), subject, rating...