Web Workers are a simple means for web content to run scripts in background threads. The worker thread can perform tasks without interfering with the user interface. In addition, they can make network requests using the fetch() or XMLHttpRequest APIs. Once created, a worker can send messages to the JavaScript code that created it by posting messages to an event handler specified by that code (and vice versa)....js ): js if (window.Worker) { // …...( main.js ): js const myWorker = new Worker("worker.js"); Note:...
Learn about the removetrack event, including its type, syntax, and properties, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... js addEventListener("removetrack"...Examples Using addEventListener() : js const videoElement = document...
Generally speaking, a function is a "subprogram" that can be called by code external (or internal, in the case of recursion) to the function. Like the program itself, a function is composed of a sequence of statements called the function body. Values can be passed to a function as parameters, and the function will return a value.... For a quick reference: js function formatNumber(num) {...of the function. For example: js function updateBrand(obj) { //...
The JavaScript exception "right-hand side of 'in' should be an object" occurs when the
in operator
was used to search in strings, or in numbers, or other primitive types. It can only be
used to check if a property is in an object.... js "Hello" in "Hello World"; //...prototype.includes() , for example. js "Hello World".includes("Hello");...
Learn about the HTMLMediaElement.srcObject property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... js const mediaStream = await navigator...newly-created <video> element. js const mediaSource = new MediaSource();...
Learn about the OES_draw_buffers_indexed interface, including its methods, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... js const ext = gl.getExtension(...for a particular draw buffer. js // For gl.DRAW_BUFFER0 ext.enableiOES(gl...
The left shift assignment (<<=) operator performs left shift on the two operands and assigns the result to the left operand.... Try it Syntax js x <<= y Description x <<= y is...Examples Using left shift assignment js let a = 5; // 00000000000000000000...
The unsigned right shift assignment (>>>=) operator performs unsigned right shift on the two operands and assigns the result to the left operand.... Try it Syntax js x >>>= y Description x >>>= y...unsigned right shift assignment js let a = 5; // (00000000000000000000)...
La propriété localStorage vous permet d'accéder à un objet local Storage. Le localStorage est similaire au sessionStorage. La seule différence : les données stockées dans le localStorage n'ont pas de délai d'expiration, alors que les données stockées dans le sessionStorage sont nettoyées quand la session navigateur prend fin — donc quand on ferme le navigateur.... Syntaxe js monStockage = localStorage; Valeur...utilisant Storage.setItem() . js localStorage.setItem("monChat"...
Learn about the hashchange event, including its type, syntax, and properties, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... js addEventListener("hashchange"...in an addEventListener method: js window.addEventListener( "hashchange"...