The HTTP Attribution-Reporting-Register-Trigger response header registers a page feature as an attribution trigger. This header is included as part of a response to a request that contains the Attribution-Reporting-Eligible header....js server might set the Attribu...event-level report attribution source: js res.set( "Attribution-Report...
Learn about the popstate event, including its type, syntax, and properties, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... js addEventListener("popstate",...will generate logs as indicated: js window.addEventListener("popstate"...
Learn about the ShadowRoot interface, including its properties and methods, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... js connectedCallback() { console...update the CSS found inside it: js function updateStyle(elem) {...
Learn about the TreeWalker interface, including its properties and methods, specifications and browser"container"></div> </body> </html> js let walker = document.createTreeWalker(document...nodeName: "#text" But if we do: js let walker = document.createTreeWalker(...
Learn about the GPUAdapter interface, including its properties and methods, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... Examples js async function init() { if (...
Learn about the GPUPipelineError interface, including its constructor and properties, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... js // ... let computePipeline; try...
Learn about the HTMLMediaElement.audioTracks property, including its type, code examples, specifications, and browser compatibility.... js const video = document.getElementById("video");...
Use the incognito key to control how the extension works with private browsing windows....or not the object is private: js