post. Tagged with net, Indexing, api, groupdocs.... a business application to index and search through data fetched...messages or PDF documents. Indexing process lets you collect,...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs......package provides classes for indexing and searching text data in...
This article gives the knowledge that how the document filters used during the search using Java search API....Creating an index in the specified folder const index = new groupdocs...groupdocs . search . Index ( indexFolder ); // Indexing documents from...
Represents an algorithm of the fuzzy search that specifies the similarity level. The similarity level algorithm calculates the maximum number of mi...query = "Einstein" ; Indexindex = new Index(indexFolder); // Creating...Creating an index in the specified folder index.Add(documentsFolder);...
Defines interface of a word forms index in the specified folder Indexindex = new Index(indexFolder);...Index(indexFolder); // Indexing documents from the specified folder index.Add(documentsFolder);...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs......package provides classes for indexing and searching text data in...Method and Description EventHub Index. getEvents () Gets the event...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs......package provides classes for indexing and searching text data in...Method and Description EventHub Index. getEvents () Gets the event...
GroupDocs.Search for .NET is a fascinating document search API. It extracts text and metadata from documents and performs advanced searching and Indexing operations on the basis of fuzzy and synonym algorithm...performs advanced searching and indexing operations on the basis of...full-text search is based on indexes. All documents having at least...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs......package provides classes for indexing and searching text data in...
Represents a search result matching a search query....Gets the found document by index. Remarks Learn more Searching...// Creating an indexIndexindex = new Index ( indexFolder );...