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image annotation

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  1. eSign Image with Metadata signature | Documenta...

    This article shows how to add metadata signatures to the Image exif metadata layer with various data types...Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Metadata signatures / eSign Image eSign Image with Metadata signature...
  2. Extracting Common Image Information | Documenta...

    For all supported Image formats the GroupDocs.Metadata API allows extracting common Image properties such as width and height, MIME type, byte order, etc. Please see the code snippet below for more information on the feature. Load an Image Extract the root metadata package Use the FileType property to obtain file format information AdvancedUsage.ManagingMetadataForSpecificFormats.Image.ImageReadFileFormatProperties using (Metadata metadata = new Metadata(Constants.InputPng)) { var root = metadata.GetRootPackage<ImageRootPackage>(); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.FileFormat); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.ByteOrder); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.MimeType); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Extension); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Width); Console.WriteLine(root.FileType.Height); } More resources GitHub examples You may easily run the code above and see the feature in action in our GitHub examples:...Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...specific formats / Images / Extracting Common Image Information Extracting...
  3. Deleting Image signatures - advanced | Document...

    This article shows how to delete Image electronic signatures different ways with GroupDocs.Signature API....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...usage / Deleting / ✖ Image Deleting Image signatures - advanced...
  4. Adjust the image size | Documentation

    Check this guide to learn how to adjust PNG and JPG Images size when rendering documents with Image Viewer by GroupDocs for .NET....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...JPEG / Adjust the image size Adjust the image size Leave feedback...
  5. Adjust output image size | GroupDocs.Viewer for...

    This article explains how to adjust output Image size when rendering CAD drawings with GroupDocs.Viewer within your .NET applications....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Events Acquisition Adjust output image size When CAD drawings are rendered...
  6. Delete Image signatures from documents | Docume...

    This article explains how to delete Image electronic signatures with GroupDocs.Signature API....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...signatures from documents / ✖ Image Delete Image signatures from documents...
  7. Render text as image | GroupDocs.Viewer for .NET

    This article explains how to disable text selection by rendering text as Image when rendering PDF Documents with GroupDocs.Viewer within your .NET applications....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...Acquisition Render text as image When rendering PDF documents...
  8. Update Image signatures in document | Documenta...

    This article explains how to update Image electronic signatures with GroupDocs.Signature API....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...signatures in documents / ✎ Image Update Image signatures in document...
  9. Using OCR to redact image documents | Documenta...

    GroupDocs.Redaction supports both types of Image documents for Optical Character Recognition (OCR): Image files, such as printed document scans (PNG, JPG, etc.) embedded Images within office documents (PDF, DOCX, etc.) You have to implement IOcrConnector interface and pass the instance to RedactorSettings constructor. For more details, see OCR Usage Basics article. OCR usage limitations There are the following limitations of the OCR with GroupDocs.Redaction v21.3: textual replacements are not supported, so you have to use color box replacements to redact text in Images....Annotation Product Solution redact image documents Using OCR to redact image documents...
  10. eSign document with Image signature | Documenta...

    This article demonstrates how to add signature Image on document page with GroupDocs.Signature....Annotation Product Solution GroupDocs...signature types / ✎ Image eSign document with Image signature Leave...