The preconnect keyword for the rel attribute of the element is a hint to browsers that the user is likely to need resources from the target resource's origin, and therefore the browser can likely improve the user experience by preemptively initiating a connection to that origin. Preconnecting speeds up future loads from a given origin by preemptively performing part or all of the handshake (DNS+TCP for HTTP, and DNS+TCP+TLS for HTTPS origins)....Skip to search Skip to select language Article Actions English (US)...(US) Remember language Deutsch Français 日本語 中文 (简体) The preconnect...
Das itemprop globale Attribut wird verwendet, um Eigenschaften zu einem Element hinzuzufügen. Jedes HTML-Element kann ein itemprop-Attribut spezifiziert haben, und ein itemprop besteht aus einem Name-Wert-Paar. Jedes Name-Wert-Paar wird als Eigenschaft bezeichnet, und eine Gruppe von einer oder mehreren Eigenschaften bildet ein Item. Eigenschaftswerte sind entweder eine Zeichenkette oder eine URL und können mit einer sehr breiten Palette von Elementen verknüpft werden, einschließlich
The prerender keyword for the rel attribute of the element is a hint to browsers that the user might need the target resource for the next navigation, and therefore the browser can likely improve the user experience by preemptively fetching and processing the resource — for example, by fetching its subresources or performing some rendering in the background offscreen....Skip to search Skip to select language Article Actions English (US)...(US) Remember language Deutsch Français 日本語 Deprecated: This feature...
요소는 안쪽의 텍스트가 긴 인용문임을 나타냅니다. 주로 들여쓰기를 한 것으로 그려집니다. (외형을 바꾸는 법은 사용 일람을 참고하세요) 인용문의 출처 URL은 cite 특성으로, 출처 텍스트는 요소로 제공할 수 있습니다 language Article Actions 한국어 Remember language Deutsch...
HTML 요소는 표기의 기반 텍스트 구성요소(루비 주석을 적용하려는 글자)를 나눌 때 사용합니다. 하나의 요소는 기반 텍스트에서의 최소 단위를 하나 감싸야 합니다 language Article Actions 한국어 Remember language Deutsch...
HTML 요소는 컴퓨터 프로그램 출력의 예시(혹은 인용문)를 나타냅니다. 보통 브라우저의 기본 고정폭 글씨체(보통 Courier, Lucida Console)를 사용해 렌더링합니다 language Article Actions 한국어 Remember language Deutsch...
The itemprop global attribute is used to add properties to an item. Every HTML element can have an itemprop attribute specified, and an itemprop consists of a name-value pair. Each name-value pair is called a property, and a group of one or more properties forms an item. Property values are either a string or a URL and can be associated with a very wide range of elements including