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  1. Metadata redactions | Documentation

    This article shows that how C# redaction API allows you to replace or remove metadata using filters or search by regular Expression....filters or search by regular expression. Filter metadata Base functionality...document’s metadata using regular expressions. For instance, we can remove...
  2. SearchOptions Constructor (Boolean, Boolean, Bo...

    Initializes a new instance of the SearchOptions class which is used to search with the highlight options for the left and the right highlight extra...indicates whether a regular expression is used. leftHighlightOptions...
  3. ReplacementOptions - GroupDocs.Redaction for Ja...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.redaction com.groupdocs.redaction.configuration com.groupdocs.redaction.exceptions......all matches of the regular expression with a given replacement...
  4. SearchOptions Constructor (Boolean, Boolean, Bo...

    Initializes a new instance of the SearchOptions class....indicates whether a regular expression is used. searchByPages Type:...
  5. Extract Text Areas from Document Pages using Gr...

    Today, we are excited to announce the release of version 18.7 of GroupDocs.Parser for .NET. The latest release supports extracting text areas from document pages. This feature may help you getting data for text analysis. We recommend you to upgrade the API to the latest version and share your valuable feedback. Extracting Text AreasExtracting text areas is useful when you need to get the data for text analysis. To extract text areas, text extractors implement their own internal private class and provide DocumentContent property (see PdfTextExtractor as the sample)....TextAreaSearchOption(); // Set a regular expression to search 'Invoice # XXX'...XXX' text searchOptions.Expression = "\\s?INVOICE\\s?#\\s?[0-9]+";...
  6. DocumentFormatInstance - GroupDocs.Redaction fo...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.redaction com.groupdocs.redaction.configuration com.groupdocs.redaction.exceptions......method applies a given Regular Expression to an instance of the doucument...
  7. documentformatinstance - GroupDocs.Redaction fo...

    All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.redaction com.groupdocs.redaction.configuration com.groupdocs.redaction.exceptions......method applies a given Regular Expression to an instance of the doucument...
  8. Change Chart Axis Title Dynamically using Group...

    At GroupDocs we keep on updating our API’s for better user experience. In this regard, we are proudly announcing the monthly release of GroupDocs.Assembly for .NET 18.1. Using the latest version, you can now change chart axis title dynamically in the spreadsheet, presentation, and email documents. We recommend you to download and use the latest version of API. Insert Chart Axis Title DynamicallyYou can now insert chart axis title dynamically in spreadsheet, presentation, and email documents....DynamicallyFrom now, template syntax expressions are supported in chart axis...dynamically, you can put an expression tag into it as shown in the...
  9. Build search query | Documentation

    This page contains information about building text search queries of various types. More examples on building search queries are provided on the page...// Search in index Regular expression search query The next type...type of query is a regular expression search query. Detailed information...
  10. Assemble your External Documents Dynamically us...

    post. Tagged with java, api, automation, groupdocs....It works by declaring an expression inside a doc tag, which added dynamically. The expression declared within the doc tag...