The page describes how to add arrow annotation to a document using GroupDocs.Annotation for Java....annotation line style (solid, dash, dot etc.) defines the arrow line...arrow . setPenStyle ( PenStyle . Dot ); arrow . setPenWidth (( byte...
All Classes Packages com.groupdocs.conversion com.groupdocs.conversion.caching com.groupdocs.conversion.contracts com...... Dot Files with .DOT extension are template...
The page describes how to add ellipse annotation to a document using GroupDocs.Annotation for Java....the line style (solid, dash, dot etc.) defines the line width...ellipse . setPenStyle ( PenStyle . Dot ); ellipse . setPenWidth (( byte...
Returns instance of TextualFormats structure, associated to specified filename extension, or throws an exception, if extension cannot be properly parsed...format, with or without leading dot character, case-independent....
Java Editor class library to edit, single or multi-lingual documents in pageless or paged editing mode, detect email addresses & URIs, set language & locale....Microsoft Word®: DOC/DOCX/DOCM/DOT/DOTM/DOTX/FlatOPC/RTF/WordML...Microsoft Word®: DOC/DOCX/DOCM/DOT/DOTM/DOTX/RTF OpenOffice Writer®:...